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They hold Civic Monday in commemoration of Labor Day

Tuxpan, Ver., April 29, 2024.- Students, students and teaching staff of the “Dr. Antonio Hidalgo Marín” participated this morning in the Civic Monday that took place on the municipal esplanade, within the framework of the commemoration of “Labor Day.”

The students Karla Gabriela, Marco Antonio, Josué, Iker Alberto, Edwin Daniel, Reyna Lissette and Tomás Alexis presented this week’s anniversaries.

Likewise, student Carlos Eduardo recited the poem “Labor Day,” and Axel Octavio recited the poetry titled “When a Child is Born,” in commemoration of Children’s Day, which will soon be celebrated on April 30.

Present were Prof. Jorge Arturo García Robles, director of Education, representing Mayor José Manuel Pozos Castro; Councilor Maryanela Monroy Flores, Lic. Estefani Isabel Cobos, representative of the Seventh Council and Prof. María del Carmen Hernández Hernández, director of the Dr. Antonio Hidalgo Marín primary school.

Administrative staff and mothers and fathers from the participating school, as well as elements of the Municipal Police, Civil Protection and Firefighters, also attended.

*This information is for the purposes of transparency and operation of government actions serving the population; it cannot be used or attributed to any political party for electoral or promotional purposes.

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