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They capture mysterious pink glow in the sky of Australia

the mysterious pink glow took place in the city of Mildura in Australia. The phenomenon was observed by more than 30 thousand from the northwest of the state of Victoria. The fact was immediately shared on social networks, where several users began to create their theses.

Several citizens of Australia they began to theorize that it was aliens or some others said that it was the northern lights, but on that exact day, at that time of day? Some looked at the glow as an event that would start the end of the world.

In addition, the fact coincided with the fact that at that time there was an announcement that a solar storm would reach Earth, however the pink glow was totally unexpected.

What was the mysterious pink glow?

To the amazement of thousands of people from Australia The fact left several of the attendees speechless, who clearly observed the strange glow that happened in Australia. What happened surprised several citizens, who calmly looked at the sky.

The strange pink glow was unexplained at the time and the answer was not obtained until a day after what happened.

The citizens theorized that it was something from another world and it never crossed their minds that it was a fire or something similar and it was not until they were notified that they realized that it was due to a cannabis facility located in the outskirts of Mildura.

fact photo (Capture from Twitter/Sarah Tomlinson)

The pink glow was broadcast on local Australian news

This was reported by the local channel ‘ABC News’ of Australiawho explained that a new company dedicated to medicinal cannabis had been launched.

The company called ‘Cann Group’, located in Mildura in Australia, would have put its plant into operation, causing the pink glow and apparently the burning of the plant and that would have caused a pink color in the sky.

A renowned journalist was stunned by the spectacular views of the night and shared a photo of the event. She was stunned by the fact and when she found out that the pink glow was a cannabis farm, she was calm.


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