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These are the most effective exercises against cholesterol and diabetes after the age of 60

After a certain age it would be important to start being more careful about your health. The organism begins to change and to signal some small failure. Some may suffer from high blood sugar problems, others from hypertension, and still others begin to exhibit high cholesterol problems.

A fundamental thing to do is to be attentive to the symptoms we perceive, because they could signal different pathologies. For example, if we have a weird hunger for low-nutritious foods, like ice, it could be that we are strong iron deficiency. Or we always have red eyes, a common symptom which, however, especially in the elderly, could signal an onset of glaucoma.

As soon as we show any symptoms we must immediately go to the doctor and do the tests that can help us. Even if we have no symptoms it is always good to get some checks from time to time.

In any case, prevention is always important, so today we will talk about just that. We will cover a couple of very common ailments and a method to keep them at bay as much as possible. We will see that these are the very effective exercises against cholesterol and diabetes after 60 years.

Here’s what we should do

Let’s start by specifying that exercises cannot be a complete substitute for therapy. If we have special health conditions that require medications, we can’t stop taking them unless your doctor tells us to.

However, a little healthy exercise shouldn’t hurt. In particular, each age range he has very specific exercises that he should try. As for the over 60s, they are in the adult bracket but are already approaching seniority.

A mixture of moderate aerobic activity and anaerobic exercise is recommended for these people. In total it would be good to do nearly three hours of moderate aerobic exercise, or an hour of intense aerobic exercise combined with anaerobic ones.

These are the most effective exercises against cholesterol and diabetes after the age of 60

Remember that aerobic activity is the set of exercises that help the cardiovascular system, such as walking or cycling. Anaerobic activity, on the other hand, requires a greater and lesser effort over time, such as abdominals or pushups.

In short, combining these two types of exercises according to your abilities is the right way to control cholesterol and diabetes. Fortunately, physical activity also has other types of benefits. For example, it improves mood, keeping conditions such as anxiety and depression at bay and is therefore perfect for those with a rather stressful life. However, it is recommended that you always consult your doctor first, to make sure that physical activity is compatible with your state of health.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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