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These are the 5 consequences of eating once a day on the body


Eating once a day is often done by the perpetrator diet so that weight can be lost quickly. However, it turns out that there are effects on the body if you eat once a day!

Many people apply diet for the sake of getting the ideal slim body. Not infrequently they apply the wrong pattern. Like eating once a day.

Many dieters think that eating once a day can make you lose weight quickly because the intake of calories into the body is limited. Many dietitians also recommend this pattern. However, it turns out that this diet can actually cause health problems in the body.

Reporting from Eat This (21/5), here are 5 consequences if you eat once a day.

1. Overeating

Due to Diet Eating Once a Day on the Body Photo: istock

Eating once a day is applied to limit calorie intake in the body. By limiting calories, it is hoped that you can reduce body weight. However, it turns out that what is reduced is the body’s energy.

The result can make you overeat. “Eating once a day makes you lack energy and then overeat. It’s one of the worst things you try to lose weight,” says Lisa Young, a dietitian.

“Once you eat once a day, you will continue to eat every day,” he continued.

So, even though you have suppressed your appetite to limit calories. Eventually it will make you consume a lot of calories. Especially if you eat a lot of foods that are not nutritious, such as fatty foods and processed snacks.

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2. Decreased Body Metabolism

The body’s metabolism must be maintained every day by eating a balanced nutritious diet. Actually, the body’s metabolism can be maintained if you apply a good diet.

However, if you eat once a day it can make your body’s metabolism decrease. This is confirmed by the explanation of the dietitian Brenda Braslow.

“If you don’t eat for a long time, your body’s metabolism slows down to maintain energy,” explains Braslow. “It can beat your efforts to lose weight,” he continued.

Because, losing weight with a low metabolism will be much more difficult. So, consume food regularly and nutritionally balanced.

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