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These Are Important Nutrients That Make The Body Healthy and Fit


JAKARTA – Young people, especially children, and adolescents need to earn nutritional intake right in order to help their growth and help them have healthy body . Especially now that maintaining health is very important, we must ensure that we consume nutritious healthy food and drinks so that we stay healthy and fit. Here are some food and beverage groups that contain good nutrition and are beneficial for health, from strengthening immunity to maintaining heart health, what are they?

1. Milk

Fresh cow’s milk contains calcium, protein, and various vitamins that are good for the body. Milk is also known to have other health benefits, such as unsaturated fats, vitamins K-1 and K-2, and probiotics. A study conducted by Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology found that people who consumed more than two servings of dairy products a day had lower rates of cardiovascular disease than those who consumed less dairy.

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2. Yogurt

Yogurt, which is one of the dairy products, is also beneficial for the health of the body. Yogurt is a dairy product that has been fermented so that the lactose contained in milk has turned into lactic acid. Yogurt has ingredients that are beneficial to our bodies such as good bacteria (probiotics) and dietary fiber which can help the digestive system function and strengthen the immune system; calcium which helps strengthen bones and teeth; Vitamins B6 and B12, ribo fl avin, potassium, magnesium.

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The real yogurt, has a sour taste as a result of the fermentation process of lactose into lactic acid, so we have to be careful in choosing which product is the actual yogurt product. Look again at the taste of the yogurt you consume because if it is too sweet, chances are the yogurt has been added with a high enough sugar content. Yogurt is also made from real milk, not powdered milk, and is processed at the right temperature so that there are good bacteria that are beneficial to health, including Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.

3. Fruits

Apart from dairy products, fruits also contain nutrients that are good for our health. Strawberries are one example of a fruit that provides several great health benefits. Strawberries are rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, which are great for reducing oxidative stress and can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. While mangoes are a type of fruit that is high in fiber, and are a source of vitamins A and C which can have a positive impact on hair and hair. skin. Mango also contains folic acid, B6, iron and a little calcium, zinc and vitamin E. Mango is also a source of certain phytochemical compounds such as galothanin and mangiferin which according to research is very beneficial for health.


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