Home » today » Business » There were no such expensive raspberries this year. And their prices continue to rise

There were no such expensive raspberries this year. And their prices continue to rise

At the end of July price raspberries in fruit purchases reached PLN 13. That’s it money farmers could get a kilo of pink delicacies. This translates into high wholesale raspberry prices. On July 29, the price of raspberries in Warsaw’s Bronisze ranged from 23 to even 30 zlotys per kilogram. The average is PLN 26.50 per kg.

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They fight fever, diarrhea and are delicious! The raspberry season is on

The price of raspberries is rising

Reviewing the prices of domestic raspberries in recent days, published on the portal wiescirolnicze.pl you can see that the price of the fruit is rising day by day. On Wednesday, July 28, the average price per kilogram in Bronisze was PLN 25, while the day before it was PLN 1.50 less. Compared to what you had to pay for fruit two weeks ago, the difference in the average price is as much as PLN 10. On July 15, you had to pay PLN 16.50 for raspberries in Bronisze.

Raspberries are selling for dizzying prices. The guilty? Processing industry and export

Why are raspberries so expensive?

Bożena Nosecka from the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics said in an interview with PAP that processing plants pay for raspberries twice as much as a year ago. This is due to:in. the fact that this year’s raspberry harvest in Poland may turn out to be smaller than last year. This is the result of the weather and large losses caused by spring frosts and later rains. Another reason – this is the unsuccessful harvest at our competitor – in Serbia, and the lack of stocks at the processors from last year. This makes companies want to source the goods, paying high prices for it.

According to the portal sad24.pl, the issue that distinguishes this season from others is the demand for pressing raspberries. In processing, this sort is called grits, or semolina.

Journalists of the sad24.pl portal learned from representatives of the processing industry that the demand for raspberries for pressing is at an extremely high level. “This is due to the need to complete large contracts for raspberry concentrate. According to one of the processors, the demand in Poland even affects the prices of lower-quality raw material in Serbia. High pressing prices of raspberries also affect the increase in purchase prices for higher-quality fruit” – we read.

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