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There are two types of stress, recognize the symptoms and how to deal with them

TRIBUN-BALI.COM – The following is discussed about stress.

Starting from effects, types stress, symptoms to how to fix it.

Check out the details here.

Stress is a form of the body’s natural response to situations of danger.

This condition makes our bodies flooded with hormones to prepare to avoid or face these dangers.

When faced with a challenge or threat, the body will produce more hormones cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine which trigger the following physical reactions.

  1. increased blood pressure
  2. high muscle readiness
  3. sweating
  4. vigilance
  5. heart rate increases

All of these reactions increase the body’s ability to respond to potentially dangerous or challenging situations.

Physical effects Stress can slow down some of the body’s normal functions, such as the function of the digestive and immune systems.

During experience stress, the body can also experience the following things.

  1. blood pressure and pulse increase
  2. breath becomes fast
  3. the digestive system slows down
  4. decreased immune activity
  5. muscles become more tense
  6. drowsiness decreases due to a state of increased alertness

The way everyone reacts to difficult situations will determine the effect stress on overall health.

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