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«The world must be better prepared for the next pandemic», warns WHO director general – Executive Digest

World Health Organization (WHO) director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at Monday’s press conference that the world must be better prepared for the next pandemic, calling on countries to invest in public health.

“This will not be the last pandemic,” he warned.

“History teaches us that outbreaks and pandemics are part of life. But when the next pandemic arrives, the world must be prepared – more prepared than this time ”, reinforced the official.

Also at Monday’s press conference, Deputy Director-General Mariangela Simao said that WHO was working with China on the requirements for international approval of a Chinese covid-19 vaccine.

“The WHO China office and the WHO headquarters have been working with Chinese regulatory authorities. We are in direct contact, we have been sharing information and requirements for the international approval of vaccines ”, he informed.

Since the start of the pandemic, more than 27.152 million people have been infected with the new coronavirus worldwide and more than 888,600 have died, according to data from the American university Johns Hopkins, which has been following the evolution of the pandemic since the first cases arose in Wuhan, China.

This Monday, India overtook Brazil in the total number of infections. With more than 4.2 million infected, it is now the second country most affected by covid-19, after the United States.

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