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The Weirdest Mammal That Ever Lived in the World Named Unicorn

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As circulating on social media Instagram where there is an incident about the strangest mammal in the world that has ever lived in the world named Unicorn

In fact, the results of paleoanthropological research indicate that once there were mammals like horses, with horns on their heads, living side by side with early humans during the ice age.

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The unicorn, aka the horned horse, appears most often in ancient legends, usually playing the role of a wild and elusive creature with horns, blood, and hair containing phenomenal powers. So far, we know that the origin of horse-horned comes from magical dreams. Now, the existence of a horn horse is not just a dream!

According to a study recently published in the American Journal of Applied Sciences, Elasmotherium sibiricum, this land mammal was discovered thousands of centuries ago, but went extinct about 29,000 years ago. That is, creatures resembling unicorns coexisted with early humans. This creature became extinct about 350,000 years ago, before straight back humans existed on earth.

“Our research makes adjustments in understanding environmental conditions in the geological era in general,” Andrey Shpanski, one of the researchers who discovered the skull, told Phys.org. “Understanding the past helps us make more accurate predictions about future natural processes.”

Unfortunately, “understanding the past” doesn’t mean science can reveal the superpowers of hornhorses. “Unicorns, as we imagine them today, never existed; these stories may have arisen from folklore and misinterpretations of horned rhinos,” said Dorothy Ann Bray, professor at McGill University and expert on mythology and legend.

Posts on Instagram social media explaining about the world’s strangest mammals were shared through the Instagram social media account belonging to @diversa.fact (19/11/2021). At least the post has received approximately a thousand likes

@why_f4 :” Wait a minute,.,.., have you ever been on earth? You mean on Mars or Jupiter? “


@rendowhetsel: “The research is also strange how can it be 29,000 years ago while Bimi is only 2021 ???????? “

@apriliani_mahesa12 :” Btw info and recommendations for a good product to get rid of eye bags and panda eyes ???? “

@fahrideni23 :” It’s a bit similar “

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