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Careful! Reduce consumption of the following foods that cause numbness

Foods that cause tingling, of course, must be reduced or even avoided for consumption because they will interfere with the health of the body.

Keep in mind that tingling is a condition that occurs in the hands and feet that gives a tingling sensation.

Although temporary, the tingling can actually be quite annoying and uncomfortable when it comes to carrying out daily activities.

There are several things that cause tingling, such as wearing shoes that are too small, squatting or sitting for too long, so it can also cause health problems due to nerve problems, such as neuropathy.

Neuropathy is a term used for symptoms of nerve disorders in the body, in the form of tingling, muscle cramps, pain, and difficulty urinating.

Well, if you often feel tingling, it could be due to consuming certain foods that cause tingling.

Usually the area of ​​the body that feels the tingling may be accompanied by other conditions, such as difficulty moving, weakness, stiffness, until it feels burning or cold.

In fact, certain types of food can trigger tingling conditions in parts of the body you should be aware of and avoid consuming in excess from now on.

What foods can trigger a tingling condition in the body area? Check out the answer below.

Foods that cause numbness

1. Sweet foods that contain a lot of sugar

The cause that can develop neuropathy is diabetes which is already known to many people due to high blood sugar.

Sweet foods that contain sugar can trigger diabetes which can be dangerous for the body because in addition to causing tingling, diabetes can also cause other complications.

Diabetic neuropathy can occur due to nerve damage caused by diabetes.

So reduce or simply avoid foods that contain sugar or artificial sweeteners because they will only provide temporary, high-risk pleasure.

2. Salty foods with a high salt content

Just like sweet foods that contain sugar, salty, salt-rich foods can cause tingling in some parts of the body.

A high salt content in the bloodstream can block blood circulation causing tingling and even numbness of the nerves.

In order for the nerves not to be stressed and disturbed, you should start reducing the consumption of salty foods that are high in salt.

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Some foods like it fast foodProcessed meats and other high-sodium foods can cause tingling in certain areas of the body.

3. Foods rich in saturated fat

Foods that cause tingling are foods with a high saturated fat content.

Foods like this are usually found in fatty meats and dairy products.

Foods that are high in saturated fat can usually cause inflammation and increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Always try to reduce the consumption of foods that contain saturated fat to avoid various diseases.

How to overcome the tingling

If you feel tingling, don’t panic first as it usually only occurs temporarily.

You can deal with tingling in a simple way, which is by avoiding the foods mentioned and replacing them with foods that contain folic acid, omega 3, rich in antioxidants, alpha lipoic acid and B vitamins.

Not only through food control, tingling can also be avoided by paying attention to sitting and sleeping positions, moving the body often, stretching the muscles and getting enough rest.

However, if the tingling you feel doesn’t go away, it would be best to see a doctor right away to get the right treatment.

It turns out that paying attention to the right food intake can prevent us from tingling, which is usually an early symptom or sign of a nerve disorder that, if left unchecked, actually invites various diseases.

Therefore, read the book Food combination which will provide information on the combination of Matched Food, or better known as combination of food.

Deep feeding model combination of food will help us prevent various types of diseases, even some people who are sick and cannot heal medically can get back to health by applying combination of food.

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