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The warning remains in place for the heat wave that hits residents of New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

sunday temperaturescontinue at 80 degrees.how do you paint your sunday? asthere is a risk of rain. that isI’ll explain it later.Alejandro: and speaking ofsuch high temperatures mustviolet joining us livefrom washington totell us how they livepeople in this day of so muchheat in the midst of this wave ofheat.violet: with hightemperatures that break thethermometer this humidity and thisheat have made thepeople in this areacity ​​get out of your houses thisSaturday from early to beaches,parks, and swimming pools. I memeeting at 170 yamsterdam. This park has a swimming pool.we saw from early hours of theI went long lines to be able toaccess these pools. Yalso to the park. here thepeople have arrived as a familywith refreshing drinks,It is also important to notethat here, in every corner there isfamilies go withchildren around your housewith the water to cool off. inthe five boroughsauthorities are telling youthe people that haveThese centers are availablerefrigeration so that, withair conditioning go toshare with other people andto cool offIt is also important to notestays at homeonly connect what is necessary.the electricity companiesthey say there might be oneoverload and this canend in power outage.

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