Home » today » News » The violence does not stop in New York: driver ends up with several gunshot wounds after his car was collided | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

The violence does not stop in New York: driver ends up with several gunshot wounds after his car was collided | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Alexander. good night.the violence the truce in thetorso and legs after afight something that his car wasthe event occurred near the eventit happened around 4:30 amthat a person that a lightred and ended up escaping from theplace.and these cases of violenceare isolated and there are more thanweek.damaris: when thetemperatures, toonew york and this is whatis happening and this is theearly morning, the department ofpolice recorded at least threeshootings.a 21 year old whodrove this medium this bmwblack got shot in thetorso and legs,responsible escaped from thearea hospital andpictures we show you.moments later a man whowas in vehiclesended up in the hospital with agunshot wound to the armleft.take the vehicle and the roadstay on the sceneinvestigating.this man says he feelsunprotected in theauthorities.it is very important to put moreofficers in the streets and notonly in communitieswho need it more, but inall communities mustanother shooting shortly before see thisshooting in the bronx at 3:00am where a man wentshot in the left thigh.and although the victim soughthelp, the police say nowanted to cooperate with them,for what he has not been able to dostill arrest.another you say? be is beinginvestigated in the case ofwhile i was in the partrear of a the police sayfrom a white nissan vehiclehe fled and still nothave caught and fortunatelythe victim survived the attackand is in conditionsteady. onelia and theseincidents is taken when beingjust in all five boroughs.This caused a lot of fear in thecommunity.mothers no longer sleepquiet, oneself walk inthe street and we are your fear,because we don’t know who that isbehind you and maybe I canharm.damaris: if you have informationof this there were other actsdepartment anonymous line

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