Home » today » Business » The Twitter account tracking the location of Elon Musk’s private jet has been deactivated

The Twitter account tracking the location of Elon Musk’s private jet has been deactivated

Simulation screen showing various freight and passenger flights.

Previously, a student, Jack Sweeney, used public information to track the location of Elon Musk and other celebrities’ private jets and posted it on @ElonJet On this Twitter account, the practice has sparked a lot of controversy: one of the protagonists tracked, Musk, offered to ask him to cancel it for $5,000, but Sweeney offered 10 times the higher price. As of today this account is no longer there.

Over the weekend, Sweeney said he received a note from a Twitter employeescreenshotshowing that they are already limiting the reach of @ElonJet internally. By Monday, even though no more restrictions were imposed, the official block message was received and yesterday the entire account was blockedlog outon. On the same day, Twitter released an updated version of its personal information policy, stating that the content of sharing “other people’s real-time location” isviolationuse the rules. The @ElonJet account, which once had more than half a million Twitter followers, disappeared overnight, although his Instagram account has not been deactivated for the time being.

Elon Musk has always emphasized that he supports free speech, so after joining Twitter, he immediately posted a large number of accounts questioning the profitshateful content. But it is currently unknown whether this incident happened against @ElonJet or “it just happened” to find out while rectifying the personal information policy.

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