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The tragedy of Mohamed Salah as the pride of the Arabs

All Mohamed Salah did, until the Arab resurrection took place upon him, was mourn for Queen Elizabeth II. The Egyptian footballer is a world star, he lives in Great Britain. He breathes the air and drinks the water, and Liverpool fans in particular, and those around the planet, are madly in love with him. But Mohamed Salah, according to the Arabs, is a hero of another kind. tragic. A mixture of three, Egyptian, Arab and Muslim. Qualities that go beyond his stardom as a player to his greatness as a conqueror of the West, as a symbol of the nation. A character who comes from the great heritage with his sword and his horse to restore the past glory of Islam and Muslims. The last Muslim samurai in the windmill war. Every time he blinks he thinks a whole nation is watching him. Hold your breath. He saves him his fatal mistakes.
Mohamed Salah is loaded with a legacy bigger than him and a title heavier than his shoulders. Any other player can console the Queen, but Fakhr Al Arab cannot easily make such a mistake. He is resurrected Tariq bin Ziyad. How does the knight at the head of the kingdom who launched the tripartite aggression against Egypt in the 1950s? Not that Egypt gained independence from Britain last week, and not that the planes of the two countries are still fighting in the skies of the Suez Canal now. no. However, Salah’s tweet about the queen suddenly turns into high treason. The “Oh my God”. A man who bears the title of Fakhr al-Arab should, in his spare time between training, play and diary of his life, devote himself to digging the history of the empire, expose it and destroy it in his own home, and to be a missionary of the Islam in the land of the infidels, and to demonstrate every morning his infinite love and predilection for his religion. As in an official mission assigned to him by a person of unknown sex, name, age, residence, profession, present and future, all his importance lies in his ability to write a comment and publish it on social media.
When this unknown repeats itself in millions of copies, it becomes embarrassing. It becomes the image that Arabs and Muslims do not want, not in front of the West, but of themselves in front of the mirror. These millions of unknown people become like an army whose job is only to correct Mohamed Salah’s morality and prevent him 24 hours a day from slipping morally, religiously and arabically. If Muhammad Salah imagines shirtless, they rush to remind him of the specific inches of legal distance for a man’s private parts, which must be hidden from his eyes. If he’s wearing a chain, they’ll look like women. If he stands next to a woman in a photo, their modesty will be killed. If he puts a Christmas tree in his house and imagines it next to it, the throne will shake and the time has come.
The player doesn’t seem to care. He insists on his atrocious actions of him and, like all stars like him, uses social media professionally to advertise his name as a successful brand. Neither a preacher, nor Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi, nor the Argentine Yadallah, who scored the most expensive goal against Mrs. Elizabeth, showed up. Fans of him Muslims and Arabs, for their part, did not realize that Mohamed Salah overcame them a long time ago and that he now lives on another planet of ideas, dreams and ambitions. He deserves to be commended for his patience with them. I am, in particular, like a miser who has given him a worthless gift, which he does not want, and who annoys him by continually asking him and making him feel guilty for not keeping this gift – the title. Arab pride. They made it their pride, without asking him, and decided to dictate his actions to preserve the reputation of a title he originally did not seek as much as his relentless search for other titles, shoes, gold balls, etc., which the footballer runs throughout his relatively short career to get. They strangle him with the protection they gave him in anger, because he is an Egyptian Arab Muslim.
Those with constant disappointment with Mohamed Salah play the role of a father who credits himself with his son’s success, rather than Salah being the definition of a son who has made his way with his talent and commitment. A single father is overly concerned about his child, a dilemma, so how about millions of fathers, and by force? They have a deep affection for the player even though, for example, they have not negotiated with the English club to put him in his ranks, nor have they established his nutrition and training routine, nor have they even advised him on how to improve his shots. . They have no merit to him that justifies the reason for their constant complaining about him and his way of life. If his luck had been bad enough to stay in the Egyptian League, he would have rested from this “big brother” who now has no one but Mohamed Salah to ruin his life for love.
If Mohamed Salah had remained a local player, they would not have found the one who gives him the nickname “Fakhr al-Arab” and then withdraw it from him three times a day. When they found an opportunity to circulate their extremist ideas or to copy and paste a bad judgment in the comments to his tweets and photos of him. When they found someone to deliver their reprehensible sermons in religion, they carried them like burdens. And when they repented, from time to time, because he “changed”.
It is not a debate whether those who are zealous about Salah’s religion adhere to their religion in their diaries. their discussion with them. They are unknown. I’m not Mohamed Salah. I am not a symbol. But Mo, on the other hand, is not a symbol of his role. Not the ambassador of Islam and Muslims. He is a footballer from a conservative environment who has opened the doors to wealth and stardom for himself. He has tasted a life that he reprobates of him recognize is sweet, but not in public, because in public they are hordes of imposing good and forbidding evil.
Has Mo Salah changed? Obviously he has changed. He won’t sit around waiting to be satisfied with him. They will not be satisfied at all. They will not be satisfied with him unless he returns to them unknown, copying and pasting like them. An Egyptian international football star waits with them to mourn a queen. He shakes off the sofa and comments: “Mercy is not lawful for a non-Muslim, Muhammad. Unfortunately it has changed, Muhammad. It is no longer the pride of the Arabs.” Now, Muhammad. “So, after posting your comment, he sleeps with the certainty that the earth, the sky and the nation are all satisfied with his great undertaking.

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