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The teachers’ cinema

Federico de Cárdenas has been the most prolific film critic in Peru. He participated for twenty years in the magazine Hablemos de Cine and wrote for many others on various occasions; although the most copious of his production is seen in the extensive columns, and frequently full-page articles, that he wrote between 1975 and 2018 in the Sunday editions of La Prensa, El Observador and La República, where he wrote for more than thirty years. The material that makes up this anthological volume, although it does not include his texts written for newspapers, brings together several of those that he published in film magazines, programs of the PUCP Film Library and especially in the Artes & Letras magazine of the National Library of Peru, to which concentrated above all on the great filmmakers of modernity, such as Michelangelo Antonioni, Ingmar Bergman, Federico Fellini, Orson Welles, Akira Kurosawa, Luis Buñuel and Luchino Visconti. In this way, thanks to the texts by Federico de Cárdenas, this book pays homage to the work of those and many other notable directors.

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