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“The Surprising Benefits and Taboos of Using Wormwood: From Cooking to Insect Repelling”

As most of spring is over, the weather will gradually become humid and hot, and all kinds of mosquitoes will be more active. In order to fight against mosquitoes, some people will choose to burn moxa sticks to repel insects with the unique aroma of wormwood when it is burned. But did you know that in addition to repelling insects, it can also be used for cooking, and it is even more effective in lowering blood pressure and helping digestion! In addition, burning moxa to repel insects actually has taboos, and it is not suitable for everyone.

When referring to wormwood, it is usually referring to a plant called “wormwood leaf”, also known as mugwort, mugwort, etc. Wormwood can be used not only for its bright aroma and medicinal effects, but also for food.

The 6 main functions of wormwood (click the picture to see clearly 👇👇👇)

1. Regulates the digestive system

Wormwood can promote the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract and enhance digestion. Digestive enzymes such as amylase, protease and cellulose contained in it help break down food and promote digestion and absorption. Wormwood can also soothe symptoms such as epigastric discomfort and indigestion.

2. Relieve pain and cramps

Wormwood has analgesic and antispasmodic properties that reduce discomfort from pain and spasms. The anti-inflammatory properties of wormwood can reduce symptoms such as joint pain and muscle pain.

3. Regulate blood pressure

The components in wormwood can lower blood pressure and help prevent and treat high blood pressure. Wormwood can also enhance heart function and promote blood circulation.

4. Improve immunity

Wormwood contains a variety of nutrients, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, can improve immunity, and prevent infection and disease.

5. Improve sleep

The ingredients in wormwood can calm the nervous system, help improve sleep quality, and relieve insomnia and other problems.

6. Pain relief and itching relief

Wormwood can relieve discomfort such as skin itching, tingling and burning, and has a certain effect on the treatment of skin diseases such as dermatitis, urticaria, and psoriasis.

Two wormwood recipes

1. Steamed cake with wormwood


– Wormwood powder: 50g
– Glutinous rice flour: 200g
– Eggs: 2
– Water: 100ml

Preparation steps:

1. Mix wormwood powder and glutinous rice flour evenly.

2. Beat the eggs, add a small amount of water and mix well.

3. Slowly add the powder in step 1 into the egg liquid in step 2, stir well, and make a paste.

4. Pour the paste into the steamer and steam for 8-10 minutes on high heat.


Steamed wormwood cake has the effects of warming the spleen, nourishing the spleen, regulating qi and blood, and enhancing immunity. It is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, insufficient qi and blood, and low immunity.

2. Wormwood Stewed Chicken Soup


– Wormwood: 30 grams
– Chicken: 500g
– Ginger slices: 5 slices
– Goji berries: 10 grams
– Salt: to taste
– Water: 1500ml

Preparation steps:

1. Cut the chicken into appropriate size pieces.

2. Wash the wormwood with water and set aside.

3. Boil 1500ml of water, add chicken, sliced ​​ginger and wormwood, bring to a boil, turn to low heat and simmer for 2-3 hours.

4. In the last 30 minutes, add wolfberries and some salt to taste.


Wormwood stewed chicken soup has the effects of warming the spleen, invigorating qi and nourishing blood, and strengthening the waist and knees. It is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, insufficient qi and blood, and weak waist and knees.

It should be noted that wormwood has certain stimulating and pharmacological effects, and excessive or improper use may cause damage to the body. When using wormwood recipes, you should use an appropriate amount of wormwood according to the recipe requirements, and it should not be excessive, and it should not be used continuously for a long time. If symptoms of discomfort occur, stop use and seek medical attention immediately.

Burning moxa and deworming 4 taboos pregnant women should avoid!

Burning moxa to repel insects is a traditional Chinese medicine method. Because the ingredients of wormwood are natural and will not harm pets, many people choose to burn moxa and smoke to get rid of insects. However, there are also some taboos in burning moxa to repel insects. Some people may feel uncomfortable after inhaling the smoky smell of wormwood. The following four types of people are not suitable for burning moxa to repel insects at home:

1. Pregnant and lactating women

The components of wormwood may have adverse effects on the fetus or infant, so pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using burning moxa to repel insects.

2. People with sensitive skin

Using burning moxa to repel insects may cause adverse reactions such as skin irritation, redness, and allergies, so people with sensitive skin should avoid using it.

3. People with weak constitution

Burning moxa and repelling insects will produce a certain stimulating effect, which may cause adverse reactions to those who are weak or have diseases, so they should be used under the guidance of a physician.

4. Wounds or broken skin

Burning moxa may pose a risk of irritation and infection on wounds or broken skin, so it should be avoided in these cases.

Although wormwood has good effects in both diet therapy and deworming, as the saying goes, “the medicine is three-point poison”. Whether you are eating or smoking to deworm, you should pay attention to your body’s reaction. It is best to use Consult professional physicians first to understand personal physical conditions and contraindications to avoid adverse reactions.

What are the medicinal effects of wormwood?

1. Regulates the digestive system
2. Relieve pain and cramps
3. Regulate blood pressure
4. Improve immunity
5. Improve sleep
6. Pain relief and itching relief
Click here for more details about the benefits

Who is not suitable for burning moxa to repel insects at home?

The following 4 types of people are not suitable for burning moxa to repel insects at home:
1. Pregnant and lactating women
2. People with sensitive skin
3. People with weak constitution
4. Wounds or broken skin
Learn why click here

2023-04-14 03:27:39

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