Home » today » Health » The story of Shahnaz Haque had ovarian cancer, it is true that he had never menstruated for 3 months

The story of Shahnaz Haque had ovarian cancer, it is true that he had never menstruated for 3 months


Artist Shahnaz Haque shared her experience of having early stage ovarian cancer. He was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 26.

“Initial stage, because they are an ovary and the ovaries are very difficult. The breast is palpable, if the ovaries are inside, they cannot be touched,” he explained when he met at fX Sudirman Mall, Central Jakarta. Sunday (10/30/2022).

Musician Gilang Ramadhan’s wife told me that she initially had signs and symptoms in the form of not menstruating for three months, even though she was not married at the time. Shahnaz then checked with a doctor.

“Because he was running a program, he was hosting a health program at the time. In the past there was a TV called TPI and there was still a program called Women’s Health (sehati) that was with Dr. Obin in the morning,” Shahnaz said. .

“So I immediately asked, how come I haven’t had my period in three months, the doctor immediately asked ‘is there a family tree with stories of cancer?’ my mother died of cancer, take a look, it was discovered, “he continued.

On the other hand, Shahnaz also offers encouragement and support to ovarian cancer fighters to maintain the spirit of life. She also advised women with a family history of ovarian cancer diagnosis to seek immediate medical attention.

“So what needs to be noted is that you are afraid of the disease, but don’t be afraid of the treatment,” he concluded.

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