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The story of Cirebon residents getting money from the export of dried lizards to China


The dried lizard business carried out by residents of Kapetakan District, Cirebon Regency has resulted in rupiah coffers. Production dry lizard it has even penetrated the Chinese market.

Reported detikJabar, the dried lizard business belongs to Sugandi (54), sold for Rp 380 thousand per kilogram. He has started this business for 13 years by employing women in the surrounding area.

“That’s for dried lizards intact or the term grade A,” he told detikJabar Monday (18/7/2022). Meanwhile, dried lizards with missing tails or grade B are sold for Rp 280 thousand per kilogram.



Sugandi exports the dried lizard to China. New shipments are made after the stock of dried lizards has reached one container.
The supply of wet lizards is obtained by Sugandi from a number of areas such as Cirebon, Indramayu, to Karawang. One kilogram of wet lizard is purchased from collectors for Rp 52 thousand per kilogram.

The wet lizard is then washed so that there is no dirt attached to it. After cleaning, the mosquito-eating animals are then dried in the sun for a day or until they are half dry. In a day, the Principal of SDN Kertasura 2 is able to produce up to 40 kilograms of dried lizard. Meanwhile, in a month, Sugandi can produce up to 1 ton of dried lizard.

“At night it goes into the oven until morning,” said Sugandi. The dried lizards are then put in clear plastic.


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