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The Story of Abdul Qadir al-Jilani: His First Student Is a Leader …


Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani has unique stories since adolescence. It is reported that before his departure to study in Baghdad, his mother provided 80 pieces of money gold which was sewn in his shirt pocket. The money was a legacy from his late father. When he was about to leave, his mother advised al-Jilani not to lie under any circumstances. He obeyed his mother’s advice. (Read it too: The spread of the blessings of Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)

He left. Once in Hamadan he received tests and trials. A mob of robbers approached him. al-Jilani did not appear to be wealthy at that time, because he was very simple and poor. But one of the robbers asked him for money. Al-Jilani also admitted that he brought 80 pieces of money from his mother. Then the robber was amazed to see his honesty. (Read it too: A flower stalk at the Door of Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)

Al-Jilani told the robber about his mother’s message, that he should not lie under any circumstances and added that if he lied, his efforts to study were meaningless. Hearing al-Jilani’s honesty, it is said that the robbers fell at the feet of al-Jilani. And it is said, that the leader of the robbers was his first student.

While studying at Baghdad he was always concerned and endured suffering with perseverance. Thanks to his honesty and piety he was quick to accept and master the knowledge of his teachers. He proved to be a lawyer at the time.

Al-Jilani pursues a lot of literature. For example, the science of Tafsir, the science of Hadith, the science of Khilaf (science related to the scholars’ dispute), the science of Ushul (Kalam and Fiqh), the science of Nahwu, the science of Tajweed, the science of Sharaf, the science of Arudh, the science of Balaghah, the science of Mantiq and the science of Sufism.

Besides being a lawyer (fiqh) he is also a writer. This can be proven through his works. For example, Futuh al-Ghaib, Fath al-Rabbani and Qasyidah al-Ghautsiyah which are gathered in the discourses. (Read it too: Rebuke of Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani: The Terrible Dib-Dib)

Uzlah 25 Years
During study, he likes mujahadah, often fasts and does not want to ask for food from someone even though he has not eaten for days.

Twenty-five years he uzlah from the public only wore a robe made of worn wool and a piece of white cloth attached to his head. He experienced the heat and cold of the season in Iraq without footing (sandals) and eating and drinking erratically.

Shaykh Abdul Wahhab asy-Sya’rani [898-907 H) dalam kitab Thabaqat al-Kubra menceritakan suatu ketika datanglah seorang yang menaruh belas kasihan kepadanya serta memberikan uang. Ia pun menerima pemberian itu sedirham untuk membeli roti, tetapi tiba-tiba jatuhlah secarik kertas di hadapannya sehingga ia tinggalkan roti itu. Kertas itu bertuliskan: “Keinginan untuk memakan itu dijadikan untuk hamba-hamba Ku yang dha’if imannya agar mereka dapat menambah kekuatan berbakti dan taat kepada Ku. Ada pun bagi orang yang kuat imannya tentu ridak mempunyai keinginan yang sedemikian.” (Baca juga: Syaikh Abdul Qadir al Jilani tentang Derajat (Kebesaran) dan Serigala)

Setelah al-Jilani menamatkan pendidikannya di Baghdad, ia mulai melancarkan dakwahnya (al-Ishlah Wa’l-Irsyad). Abu Said al-Mukhrami menyerahkan pembangunan madrasah kepadanya. Madrasah itu tidak menampung para muridnya yang sejumlah besar, maka diperluaslah dan selesai pembangunannya pada tahun 528 H. Madrasah ini di nisbahkan dengan namanya (Qadiriyah).

Abul Husein Ali Husni Nadwi dalam Kitab Rijal al-Fikri wa’l-Da’wah fi’l-Islam menyebutkan tentang kebesaran nama al-Jilani. Syaikh Munawiq Qudamah, pengarang kitab Al-Mughni mengatakan: “Saya tidak pernah melihat orang yang besar perjuangannya melebihi dia.” (Baca juga: Baca juga: Bunga Mawar dari Baghdad dan Anggur)


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1 thought on “The Story of Abdul Qadir al-Jilani: His First Student Is a Leader …”

  1. God Willing, the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic will end when Zionist Israel gives Palestine back to the Palestinians.


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