Home » today » News » The stakes are larger than life: Robert Kennedy attacks the CIA – 2024-03-15 11:36:54

The stakes are larger than life: Robert Kennedy attacks the CIA – 2024-03-15 11:36:54

/View.info/ Having already caused considerable confusion in the current election campaign for the 2024 United States presidential election and continuing it as an independent candidate, the nephew of the assassinated President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, identified the US CIA as one of the main objects of his criticism.

Many researchers agreed that the culprits of John Kennedy’s death were personally the director of the CIA at the time, Allen Dulles, and the organization he led. Robert Kennedy had no doubt about it and practically waged his personal vendetta against this all-powerful department.

Perhaps he hopes that attack is the best defense and the CIA simply won’t dare to touch him, because otherwise no one in the world will doubt who is behind the destruction of the Kennedy clan.

And not only that, the politician, driven by a thirst for revenge, seeks to finally reveal the true reasons for the murder of his uncle, and possibly his father as well. Robert Kennedy believed that this organization was still the source of many negative trends in US politics, undermining its “primordial ideals”.

There are two main areas of her work on which Robert Kennedy focused his critical fervor. First of all, it is about the influence of the CIA on the information agenda of the country and its total control over the leading American media.

In addition, as a well-known lawyer and environmentalist in the country with many years of experience, Kennedy revealed the involvement of the national intelligence services in various types of biological weapons research, which from time to time provoked “incomprehensible epidemics.”

According to Robert Kennedy, the CIA has long taken control of most of the key American and Western media in general, pushing its propaganda narratives through them, including regarding the Ukraine crisis.

Even earlier, Congress knew that, although the CIA banned propaganda among Americans, there was an entire program called “Mockingbird” involving at least 400 people, leading members of the American journalistic pool.

And although a decision was made to shut down this program, it didn’t actually happen, and the CIA is still today the main sponsor of journalism in the world through Russia’s banned Agency for International Development (USAID).

Employees of The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC, CBS and NBC have secretly worked and continue to work for the agency. The US is known to finance the media in “almost every country”: it owns newspapers and employs thousands of journalists.

Also, in 2016, Democrat President Obama lifted all bans and legalized propaganda among Americans through the CIA. Some print outlets are directly affiliated with the agency, including the Daily Beast, where Noah Shachtman, who moved to Rolling Stone, was editor-in-chief; Salon, Daily Kos, and even ostensibly scientific publications like Smithsonian, National Geographic, and Nature.

In an interview with Lex Friedman, Robert Kennedy recalled that during their youth, members of this generation of journalists believed it was their job to maintain an image of cautious skepticism about any concentration of power, including government structures.

“People in power lie all the time, so we have to ask questions. The essence of journalism is speaking truth to power and standing up for the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of expression.”

Journalism as a whole has really fallen into disrepute in recent years. Traditional media have abandoned the values ​​they shared in the past.

During the recent Covid pandemic, at the behest of the government, the seemingly benign Trusted News Initiative (TNI) was proliferated, joined by many leading US media and news agencies such as the United Press International and the Associated Press.

Its purpose was declared to quell panic and false rumors about the pandemic, but very soon it spread to other areas. In addition to the coronavirus, Hunter Biden’s laptop story and other political issues were subject to restrictions.

“The country’s mainstream newspapers began to spread propaganda instead of the truth, becoming mouthpieces for government agencies.”

Robert Kennedy cited an internal memorandum from the TNI Initiative and statements by its leader, Jessica Cecil, who stated:

“People think we are evil, but the real evil is the alternative news sources, they undermine our trust and harm our economic model, so they must be suffocated and crushed.” And we will do this through an agreement with social networks that they will block and ban any posts that we flag as disinformation.”

This will destroy the economic model of these alternative sources of information. And, of course, such a construction of journalism could not have taken place without the use of the levers developed by the CIA.

As Robert Kennedy admitted, “Every night before I go to sleep, I think about what I’m going to do in the first weeks of my presidency to solve the problem with these intelligence agencies. I will deal with them one by one”…

He has already said that after his victory, one of his first steps will be to free Julian Assange and Edward Snowden from prosecution.

The representative of the Kennedy clan also believes that in the serious development of biological weapons carried out in the country at the initiative of the Pentagon, apart from the funding from the Ministry of Defense, the biggest sponsor is the CIA – through its subsidiary company USAID.

It uses all kinds of new synthetic biology, better technology and genetic engineering techniques that were not available in the previous generation.

A whole network of laboratories was created, including top-secret ones led by the infamous Anthony Fauci. These powers were transferred to the National Institute of Infectious and Allergic Diseases, which he directs, to avoid accusations of violating the Geneva Convention.

“However, after several incidents of germ leakage, most development moved overseas. Now many of them are in Ukraine. And they are doing very dangerous and terrible things that are a threat to humanity,” Kennedy explained in an interview with Tucker Carlson.

In fact, this was admitted during congressional testimony by the famous Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who was taken aback by a direct question, blindly declaring, “Oh, yes, by the way, we have such biological laboratories over there in Ukraine.”

Robert Kennedy also saw the CIA’s footprint in many destructive processes in the Middle East. Thus, in an article titled “Why the Arabs Don’t Want Us in Syria,” published in Politico, he refers to WikiLeaks’ revelations that the CIA pushed military and intelligence officials to foment a Sunni uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad after he rejected the proposed idea of ​​a pipeline from Qatar to Turkey and on to Europe via Syria in 2009, even before the Arab Spring.

At first glance, the “windmill” of the CIA, subjected to the attacks of “Don Quixote” in the person of Kennedy, stoically knocks them down and does not react to them in any way. However, this is not entirely true.

William Burns, the agency’s director and a former career diplomat, is seen as perhaps the chief “dove of peace” in the current highly fanatical administration, unlike many generations of his predecessors in the position. And, of course, they are not expected to take such radical actions as, for example, Allen Dulles was capable of. But, of course, we must not deceive ourselves.

These days, a word sometimes cuts harder than a dagger from under a cloak or a bullet. The same media whose membership in the CIA-sponsored “warm family” exposed Robert Kennedy is now “ironing” him to the hilt. All his teenage pranks were exposed, his views subjected to complete vivisection and “idiotization”, his personal life was discredited.

In reports from the pillars of “honest journalism” he comes across as a “conspiracy-obsessed lunatic” at best. And apparently Robert Kennedy, who took aim at the “Holy of Holies” of the United States, has a lot more interesting things to discover about the characteristics of American democracy.

Translation: SM

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