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The south of the country will be white first tomorrow evening, the middle will get the most

Tomorrow it is also comparable with today until the evening. Then we can prepare for a freezing cold week. So with snow. Even if it starts with rain. “There is an area with precipitation to the south of us”, explains Nicolien Kroon of Buienradar.

“That slowly comes to us. In the course of the afternoon it starts to rain and in the evening it turns into winter precipitation.” At first it will mainly be wet snow, but eventually it will be real snow.

And at what time exactly can we expect snow? “In Amsterdam it will snow a lot in the second half of the evening, but in Groningen, for example, only towards the end of the evening or the beginning of the night. Then it will of course already snow a lot in Brabant, Utrecht, Gelderland and Twente,” says Kroon .

Central Netherlands in particular is turning white

It remains to be seen where most snow will fall. “The models about where the most snow ends up are not entirely in agreement. One model is a bit further north, the other a bit more south. But it seems that it concerns a strip across the central Netherlands: from Twente and Gelderland to Utrecht. and so Rotterdam. “

In parts of the center of the Netherlands, 20 centimeters of snow can fall at night alone. And then it will snow all day on Sunday. Kroon: “Then you can easily end up with 35 centimeters for Gelderland and Twente. And about 20 to 25 centimeters for Utrecht.”

Icy cold persists all week

It will snow all day on Sunday. In the course of Monday morning the snow has disappeared, but don’t worry: due to the low temperatures, the snow does not just melt away and the snow lovers can enjoy it for a while.

Because although it will be over after Monday morning with the snow, it will remain freezing all week.

Monday morning in the car? Be careful!

Rijkswaterstaat is prepared for a weekend with extreme winter weather, a spokesperson assured us yesterday. Gritters are ready, and the use of snow blades is also not excluded. “You can use them from a snow layer of 2 centimeters. It remains to be seen whether we need them. If necessary, we can work with 1,200 people.”

According to Rijkswaterstaat, it will not be due to the use of equipment, but the question is of course how heavily it snows and whether it is icy again. It is difficult to sprinkle against that. So regardless, it’s important to be careful when you hit the road.

Only thaw again at the end of the week

“On Sunday it will be about -5 in the north. But due to the strong east wind it feels like -15. In the south, the temperature is just below freezing. There it is also less windy, but on Sunday it feels really cold at -5 “, says Kroon.

The days after that there will be an easterly wind, so it will be really cold until at least Thursday and probably Friday. Only then is the thaw expected. “And even that is uncertain, because the models keep moving up a bit.”

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