Home » today » World » The Slovak Prime Minister: The West’s strategy towards Ukraine has failed – 2024-04-07 12:29:13

The Slovak Prime Minister: The West’s strategy towards Ukraine has failed – 2024-04-07 12:29:13

/ world today news/ Yesterday, after meetings with the US and Russian ambassadors in Slovakia, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico stated that Slovakia’s status as a member of the EU and NATO will be a priority in the formulation of its foreign policy, but this cannot limit sovereignty On the side. He added that Slovakia’s position will not always be in line with the policies advocated by the EU.

Fico also pointed out that the previous strategy of Europe, the United States and other Western countries in the Ukrainian crisis has been unsuccessful. Slovakia must prepare for the period after the end of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and for improving relations with Russia.

#Slovak #Prime #Minister #Wests #strategy #Ukraine #failed

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