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The Russo-Ukrainian war and the Gaza attack are on the horizon

As an introduction, the speaker talked about the state of the world, the innovations of our time, the importance of the flow of information, and the relations between the great powers – USA, China, Russia. But he also touched on ChatGPT, population, housing conditions and ethnic tensions. In short, he gave a very broad description of our current world, but he also shared his thoughts on speculations about the future.

He then moved on to the two main topics of his presentation, the Russian-Ukrainian war and the Gaza Strip. Regarding the former, he said that although there have always been many armed conflicts around the world, it is still an amazing figure that nearly 30 million people have fled since the war. Of these approximately 30 million, 14 million people remained in the receiving countries.

Regarding the situation in Gaza, according to the university associate professor’s opinion, Hamas had already been preparing for the October 7 attack since 2007, since they had already smuggled in a large number of rockets through their constructed tunnel network and then stockpiled them. In part, this made it possible for 5,000 rockets to be fired in the space of an hour and a half, which Israel’s Iron Dome – anti-missile air defense system – could not handle. As he said, since Gaza is a very densely populated area, the number of civilian victims was inevitable, but it is disheartening and terrible that the recent period shows that the attacks continue without caring about the civilian victims.

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