Home » today » News » [정치]Today Park Bum-gye’s personnel hearing…the power of the people, its own’over-the-counter hearing’

[정치]Today Park Bum-gye’s personnel hearing…the power of the people, its own’over-the-counter hearing’


The personnel hearing of candidate Park Bum-gye is held today.

Various personal controversy such as omission of property report and reform of the prosecution are expected to become major issues.

The power of the people even held their own over-the-counter hearings and announced the’awl verification’.

This is a reporter, Manager


[박범계 / 법무부 장관 후보자(지난 4일) : (대통령께서) 저를 법무부 장관 후보로 지명한 이유는 검찰개혁의 마무리 투수가 돼 달라는 뜻으로 압니다.]

Candidate Park Bum-gye, Minister of Justice, has been appointed as the right person to complete the prosecution reform project.

However, as various personal suspicions are added, it is inevitable.

The power of the people, who is struggling to fall down, called the suspected parties a day before the personnel hearing and even held a separate hearing.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표(어제) : 민주당은 수적 우위를 내세워서 한 사람의 증인도 채택하지 않은 철벽 봉쇄, 무력 인사청문회를 하려고 하고 있습니다.]

As the Democratic Party has completely rejected the adoption of witnesses in relation to various suspicions, it is that they will independently check the truth.

The representative of the Judicial Examination Students Association, who came out as a witness, claimed that candidate Park grabbed the flesh and assaulted the high school students who came to go to town in November 2016, asking them to survive the bar exam.

[이종배 / 사법시험 존치를 위한 고시생 모임 대표(어제) : (박범계 후보자가) 그렇게 뻔뻔하게 폭행사실을 부인하고 오히려 고시생들한테 맞을뻔했다고 말할 줄은 상상도 못 했습니다.]

Attorney Kim So-yeon, who served as a member of the Daejeon City Council, testified that the candidate assisted and was not punished even though he knew the illegal funds were received by his aides.

[윤한홍 / 국민의힘 법제사법위원(어제) : (후보자 측근들이) 선거 때 금전 요구한 것을 박범계 당시 의원이죠. 의원에게 몇 차례 보고했는데 후보자가 그 내용을 모를 리가 없다?]

[김소연 / 전 대전시의원(어제) : 박범계 후보자가 모를 리가 없다가 아니라 박범계 후보자는 알고 있습니다.]

In addition, there will be issues such as the omission of subsequent property reports in the past and conflicts of interest that the annual sales of the law firm invested by the candidate has increased more than 300 times in six years.

The Democratic Party is poised to enforce the appointment, saying there is no decisive flaw, but as the people’s strength reveals their will to oppose the association, a fierce battle is expected than ever before.

YTN Manager[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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