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the rules to follow to control this dysfunction

Fighting hypothyroidism is not easy at all, however by following a few tips it is possible to keep this thyroid dysfunction at bay.

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L’hypothyroidism it is a pathological condition caused by a decrease in the production of hormones by the thyroid gland. Women over the age of 50 are the most prone to this disease, but it can also affect much younger people. Let’s see some useful tips to follow to keep this thyroid dysfunction at bay.

Hypothyroidism: the rules to follow to control this dysfunction

Hypothyroidism is one thyroid dysfunction of which very little is known. The causes of its origin can be many: from the hereditary factor, to environmental pollution up to hormonal disorders. Many doctors speculate that the increase in smog in areas of Europe particularly deficient in iodine has led to a progression of cases of hypothyroidism.

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The iodine deficiency in fact, it seems to form the basis of thyroid dysfunction, for this reason following some advice and aadequate nutrition it will be possible to keep the problem at bay. Being an autoimmune disease, it is difficult for it to disappear over time, but changing daily habits will certainly make it easier to live with it. Let’s see some useful rules.

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1) Follow an adequate diet rich in iodine

In the case of hypothyroidism, there are a few foods to avoid and others to add to your diet. Undoubtedly, the conditions of the thyroid gland worsen cruciferous greenery, such as broccoli, cauliflower, turnip, horseradish, radish). Furthermore, the consumption of sugars, sweets, fried foods and alcohol should be avoided as they greatly strain the gland affected by the autoimmune disorder.

dried fruit
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So what to prefer in the diet? Definitely the rich dried fruit good fats, such as walnuts or almonds. As well as some seafood and small fish (for example anchovies) rich in iodine. It is in fact a substance necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones which stimulate important processes in the body.

2) Acupuncture

L’acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine. It is used to treat a variety of medical conditions and is known to be very effective in treating thyroid disorders. Helps rebalance hormone levels and regulates the energy levels of the meridians.

3) Get constant physical exercise

The sport plays a fundamental role in the management of the normal function of the thyroid gland. In conditions of hypothyroidism this is in fact slowed down, it does not work as it should, at the same time slowing down all the vital functions connected to it including digestion and absorption of fats. Not surprisingly, people with hypothyroidism may develop weight problems over time. For this reason it is important to keep moving, alternating anaerobic training sessions (weight room) with aerobic sessions such as running or swimming.

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