Home » today » News » The repair of 34 km from Dyulin Pass begins – 2024-04-13 05:19:16

The repair of 34 km from Dyulin Pass begins – 2024-04-13 05:19:16

Road under construction

By May 15, the repair of 34 km of III-906 through the Dyulin Pass will begin. The route that will be rehabilitated is between the village of Staro Oryahovo and the village of Gyulovtsa, and work is currently underway to complete the procedures necessary for the signing of Protocol 2a for opening a construction site and starting the actual activities on the ground. A building permit has been issued for the site from December 20, 2023.

It is planned that the construction and installation activities will be carried out without stopping the traffic. If there is a need to restrict traffic, the I-9 Staro Oryahovo – Byala – Obzor Aheloy – Burgas road will be used as a bypass route.

The project envisages complete reconstruction of the section and repair of two bridges over the rivers Dvoinitsa /at the 13th km/ and Bala /at the 32nd km/. The deadline for the construction and installation works is 540 calendar days. The repair will be carried out by DZZD “ROAD PROJECT”, the value of the contract being BGN 83,999,097.97 including VAT.

It is planned to start the repair of the section from Gyulovtsa village to the intersection with the I-9 Sunny Beach – Burgas road by the end of June. The route is 31.5 km long. The executor of the activities is the DZZD “RAZVITIE 2018”, and the value of the contract is BGN 83,994,474.35 including VAT.

For the activities on the section, a Construction Permit is to be issued after the preparation of a complex report for the assessment of compliance with the main requirements for construction and technical control under the “Constructive” part. After that, field activities can begin.

During the main repair of the road, 4 bridges over the Byala River /at the 37th km/, over the irrigation canal at the 40th km, over the spillway of the Poroy Dam /42nd km/ and above the Aheloy river /at the 45th km/. The deadline for the construction works is 540 calendar days.

The funds for the renovation of 65 km of road III-906 through the Dyulin Pass are provided by the republican budget. The section connects the regions of Varna and Burgas and is an alternative for those passing through the “Primorski” /road I-9 Sunny Beach – Obzor/ and “Aitoski” /road ІІІІ-208 Daskotna – Aytos/ between the two areas.

#repair #Dyulin #Pass #begins

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