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PP-DB Co-Chairman Atanas Atanasov Discusses Rotation Talks, Foreign Policy, and Controversial Relations with Magistrates

Talks about the rotation started in the media more than they started in reality. Everyone must state their claims, including for the Foreign Ministry. There is more than one option for both GERB and PP-DB to have a channel to the outside world, PP-DB co-chairman Atanas Atanasov told Nova TV.

According to him, politicians must take the state seriously and overcome all contradictions. It is good for the foreign policy of the country to be uniform, and not for some to do one thing through one channel, and the other to do something else, Atanasov pointed out. The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Maria Gabriel and the Prime Minister Academician Nikolay Denkov should jointly shape Bulgaria’s foreign policy, he emphasized.

And on the question of whether there is a danger that the assembly will break and rotation will not be reached at all, Atanasov pointed out that in a democratic country there can always be early parliamentary elections. “We have to sit down at the table before the guns are drawn,” he was emphatic.

But if there are early parliamentary elections tomorrow, Atanasov is sure that PP-DB will not be a third political force.

He is ready to become the chairman of the 49th National Assembly, if he is elected as such.

Regarding the murder of Martin Bojanov – the Notary and the Magistrates Club, Atanasov explained that he has been an active lawyer in the Sofia Bar Association for more than 20 years. “I know too many things and without having a list of the magistrates who went to the SS club,” he commented. Atanasov added that there is a development in which data and information about certain relations with the magistrates have been collected. Acting Chief Prosecutor Borislav Sarafov also has the information, he believes.

The list of magistrates who went to the SS club, which Atanasov has at his disposal, includes prosecutors from the Sofia District Court, the Sofia City Court, the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor’s Office and two or three judges and lawyers. The information will be provided to the temporary commission of inquiry to establish all the facts and circumstances surrounding Martin Bojanov’s group – the Notary. According to the style in which the document is written, it looks like it was written and worked by people who worked in the special services, announced Atanasov. According to him, if the temporary commission receives support and assistance from the prosecutor’s office, it can do a lot of work.

Otherwise, the services are not effective, there are breaches in them and there is a great tolerance in the Bulgarian services regarding the Russian agents in Bulgaria, Atanas Atanasov continues to think.

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2024-02-11 16:40:00

#Atanas #Atanasov #elections #PPDB

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