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The relationship of William Levy and Samadhi Zendejas

“This time it is final,” this is how a source close to the actor William Levy defined the separation of Elizabeth Gutierrez and the Cuban actor. For his part, in an interview with Hello USA, Gutiérrez assured that he gave himself completely. “I always bet on my relationship,” said Gutiérrez, 45, through tears. “I loved William, I think it’s no secret that he was the love of my life.”

RELATED: William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez separate

Neither Levy nor Gutiérrez revealed the reasons that led to the end of the relationship; However, rumors suggest that there is a third in contention.

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In fact, after the publication of a video of Samadhi Zendejas along with Levy, some assured that the protagonist of Monte Cristo He had a loving relationship with the Mexican artist.

RELATED: Elizabeth Gutiérrez talks about her separation

“He is not with Samadhi,” a source close to Levy told People in spanish. “He is not in a relationship,” he added. “Since the novel was finished they haven’t seen each other.”

Levy and Gutiérrez’s relationship lasted more than two decades and always had ups and downs. The actors met in 2002 while competing on the reality show Soap opera protagonists. In 2006, their son, Christopher, was born, and four years later they welcomed their daughter, Kailey.

At the end of last year they showered love on a trip to Spain and celebrated Christmas with their family, appearing more in love than ever as they welcomed 2024 together. “As always, he bet and wanted to show us how we were, because we lived through those moments many times during
the 20 years we were together,” Gutierrez added to the publication. “We are not together right now,” he said.

Their love story made headlines for William Levy’s alleged infidelities with co-stars like Maite Perroni, Jacky Bracamontes y Ximena Navarretewhich he has always denied.

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