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“The Prophecies of Grandfather Vlaicho: Coming True in Today’s World”

They call him Silverless, because he did not take a penny, and they say that his clairvoyant gift was stronger than Vanga’s

The legendary phenomenon Vlaicho Zhelev, or grandfather Vlaicho, as he was called by everyone who touched his gift, was born on the great Christian holiday of the Mother of God on August 15, 1894 in Konyovo, Novozagorsk.

They call him Silverless, because he did not take a penny, and they say that his clairvoyant gift was stronger than that of Vanga, and even the prophetess herself said that he was a greater clairvoyant than she.

When Grandpa Vlaicho meets Lyudmila Zhivkova, he tells her that her family is cursed and both she and her father Todor Zhivkov will end badly. After these words he was sent to another camp.

The prophet of the people lay in the camps of Bobov dol, Mina – Pernik, Mina “Kachulka” and Belene, writes iwoman.bg.

Only he and Slava Sevryukova had the gift, in addition to seeing into the future, to free people from spirits that “hooked on them” and harassed them.

Here are 12 prophecies of the Grandfather Vlaicho phenomenon that were made decades ago, but are now coming true in full force:

1. All over the world, fertility will be scarce because of wars, and because of the great increase of the earth’s inhabitants and the improper distribution of goods, there will be scarcity – a lack of basic necessities. Avarice will advance and money will quickly become abundant, but discontent will be there.

2. There will come a time when the vegetables will become more and more poisonous. They grow in and near the ground. Fruits, in contrast, are high up and receive more sun. This is also the reason why the vegetables will be more contaminated.

3. You won’t believe it, but the time will come when men will wear earrings and put headscarves and ribbons on their hair. They will begin to look like women, and women will look like men. The world will go crazy. But there is no way – and this will have to be experienced… That’s why I say to you: if it is necessary to go through hell, you keep going, without stopping for a moment, nor turning back.

4. The rulers of the whole world will be in greater difficulty, and the rest of the broad masses will speak, write, read and interpret in the most diverse ways, each in his own way interpreting world events. At that time, blessed will be that ruler who, with faith and love, applies a hungry heartfelt prayer to God for his people.

As Christ fasted in the desert for the sins of all mankind, as Moses, Daniel and others fasted for his people, and blessed will be that broad mass of people who read the Word and good books, meditate on all that is good and plant fruit trees and other cultures on earth, and everyone lives with Love and inner peace…

5. The world will not be pacified. Russia will take more interest, but she will wait patiently to give her red paint to all nations and play the role of a forerunner in the cause of labor throughout the world. Germany will succeed, America will barely hold its own.

England will lose territory, power and influence. France will be divided into three: fascism, labor and free-thinking societies, and will unwittingly follow the mystique of Germany. Italy will pull together and succeed. Japan will advance. Turkey will be in big trouble. Greece will lose.

Bulgaria, due to the prayers of the spiritual societies, will not be involved in war. With a small change in the cabinet, she will be the first to wish for peace in the Balkans, otherwise she will strictly guard her borders… Blessed will be those awake families who are not disturbed by the situation and truly believe in the power and authority of God.

6. Because of the gloom and the great evil, the spirits of human beings will be extremely nervous and mentally ill, but sufferings, torments and fears will grow to the point of great chaos.

7. Spiritual and cultural societies, idealists in general, will not be able to unite. The purely collective good will be at a standstill – this failure must be ended.

8. In general, people will be very impatient, they will be hot-tempered, they will love food, peace, but they will miss them, then brother will sue brother, there will be many thefts and other troubles.

9. God’s path will be bright, awake souls will feel it, and the rest will darken even more. Throughout the earth and continents there will be a great manifestation of the spirits in every respect.

10. Well, our Bulgarian people are quite stubborn. Many do not accept God and will suffer. But, I’m telling you, they’ll drag until it hurts.

11. There will be a cleansing… And for nothing in the world will it be what people hope and expect. It is something that the human race has not yet seen, heard, or even suspected. This supreme “purification of souls” will take place through the power of Nature.

12. The Bulgarian root is strong, deep and tough. Our nation will survive the coming exams.

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2023-05-15 19:31:03
#Chilling #prophecies #Grandfather #Vlaicho #phenomenon #true #terrible #force

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