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The Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients with Rotator Cuff Tear Surgery

More than 40% of patients with rotator cuff tears requiring surgical treatment of the shoulder joint have been found to be deficient in vitamin D, according to a study conducted by Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital. The research team, led by Orthopedics Professor Lee Jae-hoo, analyzed the blood vitamin D concentration of 176 patients who underwent surgery for ruptured rotator cuff from December 2017 to July 2019. They found that 44.3% of the patients had vitamin D levels below 20 ng/mL, which is considered a deficiency.

The study also revealed that 26.7% of the patients had vitamin D deficiency (20-30 ng/mL), and overall, 71% of the patients with rotator cuff tears had either deficiency or insufficiency of vitamin D. Professor Lee Jae-hoo emphasized the importance of vitamin D in the health and healing of the musculoskeletal system, including the rotator cuff, muscles, and tendons.

The research team further discovered that patients who primarily worked indoors had a higher prevalence of vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency compared to those who worked outdoors. In a comparative analysis between outdoor and indoor workers among rotator cuff tear surgery patients, the risk of vitamin D deficiency was found to be 3.2 times higher in indoor workers.

Professor Lee Jae-hoo explained that vitamin D is synthesized in the body through direct exposure to UVB rays from sunlight. Therefore, spending time outdoors and getting sunlight can be seen as the best method to maintain adequate vitamin D levels.

The results of this study were published in ‘Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery,’ an international journal of the Korean Orthopedic Society. The findings highlight the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among Korean patients with rotator cuff tears requiring surgical treatment. This research underscores the importance of addressing vitamin D deficiency in the management and treatment of rotator cuff tears.

What percentage of patients requiring surgical treatment for rotator cuff tears had a deficiency in vitamin D, according to the study?

New Study Reveals Alarming Levels of Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients with Rotator Cuff Tears

In a groundbreaking study conducted by Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital, it has been found that more than 40% of patients requiring surgical treatment for rotator cuff tears have a deficiency in vitamin D. Led by Orthopedics Professor Lee Jae-hoo, the research team analyzed the blood vitamin D concentration of 176 patients who underwent surgery for this condition between December 2017 and July 2019. Shockingly, they discovered that 44.3% of these patients had vitamin D levels below the recommended threshold of 20 ng/mL, indicating a deficiency.

But the alarming results did not end there. The study also revealed that 26.7% of the patients fell into the category of vitamin D insufficiency (with levels between 20 and 30 ng/mL). This means that an overwhelming 71% of those with rotator cuff tears either had a deficiency or insufficiency of vitamin D. Professor Lee Jae-hoo stressed the crucial role of vitamin D in the health and healing of the musculoskeletal system, including the rotator cuff, muscles, and tendons.

Interestingly, the research team also discovered a correlation between workplace environment and vitamin D levels. Indoor workers were found to have a higher prevalence of vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency compared to their outdoor counterparts. In fact, an in-depth comparison showed that the risk of vitamin D deficiency was 3.2 times higher in indoor workers who underwent rotator cuff tear surgery.

Professor Lee Jae-hoo explained that the body synthesizes vitamin D through direct exposure to UVB rays from sunlight. Therefore, spending time outdoors and soaking in the sunlight can be seen as the most effective method to maintain adequate levels of this essential nutrient.

These groundbreaking findings have been published in ‘Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery,’ an esteemed international journal of the Korean Orthopedic Society. The study serves as a wakeup call to the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among Korean patients requiring surgical treatment for rotator cuff tears. It highlights the urgent need to address and manage vitamin D deficiency in the treatment of this often debilitating condition.

1 thought on “The Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients with Rotator Cuff Tear Surgery”

  1. This article sheds light on an often overlooked aspect of rotator cuff tear surgery. The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among patients undergoing this procedure is an important factor to consider for successful outcomes. Understanding this correlation can lead to better pre-operative assessment and tailored treatment plans for enhanced recovery.


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