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The PP demands from the central government a new agricultural insurance “adapted to the needs of the sector”


The PP has presented a motion in the Regional Assembly of Murcia requesting the Government of Spain to implement a new agricultural insurance “adapted to the needs of the sector and that responds to crisis management situations”, according to sources from the PP. party in a statement.

The ‘popular’ deputy Jesús Cano, promoter of the initiative, has assured that the current insurance “is not attractive for the sector” and must become “an essential tool to face losses caused by any weather cause.”

Cano referred to the last meeting of the working group of the Territorial Agrarian Insurance Commission, held on November 7, 2023, stating that during this meeting “the panorama reflected by Agroseguro was very pessimistic regarding the future and viability of the different insurable lines under current conditions”.

“Subsequently, the current situation of citrus insurance was presented, which is also complicated, especially when focusing on the risk of hail, since in the month of May alone there were five incidents in the Region of Murcia,” noted the regional parliamentarian.

“Predictably, for the 2024 campaign, drastic measures will be taken to balance the line and its coverage and risks,” he added.

According to Cano, for the representatives of the agricultural sector these forecasts “represent a threat to the system, since during several campaigns all lines have suffered upward adjustments in premiums and guarantees are beginning to be limited”, and entail “grievances” that ” are imposed in many cases in the Region of Murcia, without affecting the entire territory to the same extent.

For the PP parliamentarian, “the agricultural sector has always been against these measures, since they will not improve the insurance situation, and there is concern that they will produce the opposite effect and a decrease in hiring.”

Likewise, he has pointed out that “in addition, the loss of coverage against accidents would cause serious situations of viability of the operations, to which we must add the already low implementation in certain lines on a chronic basis, with no expectations that they will undergo a positive change.” .

“Agrarian insurance must be a necessary and essential tool for a dynamic and entrepreneurial sector, but the current and future situation advises taking measures to make it viable and economically sustainable given its important social value,” stressed Cano, for whom “it is time to that the Sánchez Government takes action on the matter and explores all the necessary avenues to modify agricultural insurance and adapt it to the current productive needs of the sector.”

In line, he highlighted that “in the face of the apathy of the Ministry of Agriculture, the commitment of President Fernando López Miras, who has increased aid for agricultural insurance in the Budgets to 5 million euros.”

2023-12-07 19:51:06
#demands #central #government #agricultural #insurance #adapted #sector

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