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The Power of Awe: How Experiencing Awe Strengthens Resilience During COVID-19

Title: New Research Shows Awe Linked to Resilience in the Face of COVID-19

Subtitle: Study Finds Dispositional Awe Independently Boosts Resilience, Regardless of Religiosity

Date: [Current Date]

In a recent study published in Psychological Reports, researchers have discovered a significant link between dispositional awe and resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study, conducted by Jeanette M. Braswell and Eric C. Prichard, explores the role of awe and religiosity in individuals’ ability to cope with the stress and challenges brought about by the global health crisis.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly caused immense stress, uncertainty, and disruption in people’s lives. Recognizing the importance of resilience during such adversity, the researchers aimed to investigate the specific impact of awe and religiosity on individuals’ ability to bounce back from the challenges posed by the pandemic.

The study involved 170 participants recruited through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) service. To ensure the quality of participants, the researchers selected “masters” who had previously completed multiple MTurk studies with a high success rate. Additionally, participants were required to be U.S. high school graduates to optimize English proficiency.

Participants were asked about their gender, age, religious affiliation, and completed measures of dispositional awe, resilience to COVID-19, and religiosity. The results revealed a positive relationship between dispositional awe and resilience, indicating that individuals who experience more awe tend to exhibit greater resilience in the face of COVID-19.

The researchers found that individuals who frequently experienced awe, such as those who agreed with statements like “I often feel awe” and “I have many opportunities to see the beauty of nature,” were more likely to agree with statements such as “I am able to adapt to change caused by the COVID-19 crisis” and “Coping with stress related to COVID-19 has strengthened me.”

Interestingly, while religiosity and awe were positively related, the study showed that religiosity and resilience were only weakly associated. This suggests that religious beliefs have a slight association with greater resilience, but the relationship is not as significant as that of awe. When considering both variables together, only awe remained significantly related to resilience, independent of religiosity.

Jeanette M. Braswell, the study’s author and an associate professor of psychology at the University of Arkansas at Monticello, highlighted the potential benefits of actively seeking experiences of awe as a coping mechanism. She suggested that engaging in activities that inspire awe, such as going for a walk in nature or watching awe-inspiring documentaries, may not only help individuals deal with stress in the moment but also build resilience for the future.

The study’s findings provide preliminary evidence that dispositional awe can be a healthier and more effective coping mechanism than behavioral and mental disengagement, which is commonly observed in response to uncontrollable stressors like a pandemic.

While the study’s data is correlational and relies on measures of dispositional awe, the researchers believe that future experimental studies could shed more light on the therapeutic potential of awe as a coping mechanism. They also encourage further exploration of the relationship between awe and the nature of religiosity, as well as the significance of non-religious awe experiences.

In conclusion, this new research highlights the positive impact of dispositional awe on resilience in the face of COVID-19. The study emphasizes the potential benefits of actively seeking awe-inspiring experiences as a coping mechanism during times of stress and uncertainty. By fostering a sense of awe, individuals may not only enhance their ability to adapt to change but also build resilience for future challenges.
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What are some potential mindfulness practices involving awe experiences that can enhance resilience and coping abilities amid the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic

E study also found that dispositional awe independently boosted resilience, regardless of religiosity. This suggests that awe plays a unique role in enhancing individuals’ ability to cope with the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, separate from the influence of religiosity.

The findings of this study contribute to our understanding of the psychological factors that can influence resilience in times of crisis. Awe, defined as a positive emotional response to something vast or inspiring, has been linked to a range of benefits for well-being and mental health. This research adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that experiencing awe can also promote resilience in the face of adversity.

It is worth noting that this study had some limitations. The sample size was relatively small, consisting of 170 participants, and the participants were recruited through one specific online platform. Additionally, the study relied on self-report measures, which may be subject to biases and limitations.

Nevertheless, these findings highlight the potential importance of cultivating awe experiences as a mindfulness practice to enhance resilience during challenging times such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Engaging in activities that inspire awe, such as spending time in nature or engaging in creative pursuits, may be beneficial for individuals seeking to develop their resilience and cope effectively with stress and uncertainty.

Overall, this study provides further evidence for the positive role of dispositional awe in boosting resilience, independent of religiosity, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Further research in this area could help shed light on the underlying mechanisms through which awe influences resilience and inform interventions and practices aimed at promoting well-being during times of crisis.

1 thought on “The Power of Awe: How Experiencing Awe Strengthens Resilience During COVID-19”

  1. This article beautifully captures the essence of the power of awe during these challenging times. The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly tested our resilience and ability to cope with uncertainty. However, experiencing awe, as discussed in this piece, is an invaluable tool to strengthen our resilience and navigate through these turbulent waters.

    The author expertly highlights the significance of awe-inspiring moments and how they can uplift our spirits, even in the midst of a pandemic. Whether it’s witnessing a breathtaking sunset, marveling at the vastness of the night sky, or simply being in awe of the indomitable human spirit, these experiences have the remarkable ability to remind us of the beauty that still exists in the world.

    Not only does awe provide us with a reprieve from the stress and anxiety of the current situation, but it also serves as a catalyst for personal growth and introspection. It encourages us to step outside of ourselves and appreciate something much greater than our individual struggles. In doing so, we gain a fresh perspective, renewing our sense of purpose and resilience.

    Moreover, the article adeptly tackles the science behind awe and its impact on our well-being. Research has shown that experiencing awe releases positive emotions, reduces stress levels, and even boosts our immune system. These biological responses are key in building our resilience and maintaining our mental and physical health during these difficult times.

    The Power of Awe serves as a timely reminder that amidst the chaos, there is still wonder and beauty to be found. It teaches us to embrace these awe-inspiring moments, whether big or small, and use them as a source of strength during this pandemic. By seeking out awe in our daily lives, we can bolster our resilience, find solace in the present moment, and rise above the challenges that COVID-19 presents.

    Overall, this article is a refreshing and enlightening perspective on resilience during the pandemic. It urges us to harness the power of awe, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope. Let us embrace the beauty around us, for it has the power to strengthen our resilience and carry us through these difficult days.


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