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The Pope calls for the creation of jobs and dignity for those close to us – Vatican News

Pope Francis meets young Spanish entrepreneurs, underlining the importance of transforming the global economy so that everyone, especially the poor, can benefit from it.

(Vatican News Network)Pope Francis received the members of the Spanish Association of Young Entrepreneurs at the Vatican on 17 October. Faced with the “economic and social imbalance” in today’s world, the Pope proposes to them three main priorities: prophecy, care for God, work and poverty.

On the prophetic level, the Pope clarified that, in the Bible, “a prophet is the one who speaks in the name of God, conveying God’s message and thus bringing about a change in the place where he lives”. Faced with the current complex situation of war and environmental crisis, the Pope urged the entrepreneurs present “to preach as prophets and build a common home, respecting all forms of life, taking care of all in the performance of their services. promoting peace ”.

Regarding the care of our relationship with God, the Pope explained that as “the earth bears fruit when it is well cultivated and cared for”, so when we cultivate our spiritual health, when we take care of God with all our relationship hearts, also we “bear many sweet fruits”. The Pope thus reminds entrepreneurs that a positive economic transformation can only be achieved when we experience spiritual conversion.

The third focus concerns work and poverty. Taking St. Francis of Assisi as an example, the Pope pointed out that the saint not only built the church, but also contributed to the rebuilding of the church of that time with his love for the poor and his simple life. “Work and poverty – the Pope said – means total trust in God, not in the world. Through the value of work and poverty, we can create an economy that reconciles people in all stages of production, without making them despise another. ., nor create more injustices, nor make people feel cold and indifferent ”.

This does not mean that people love extreme poverty, on the contrary, we have to fight extreme poverty. Additionally, entrepreneurs use useful tools, such as job creation, to help their neighbors gain dignity.

Finally, the Pope encouraged the entrepreneurs present to “continue to be creative and change the face of the economy”, making it more ethical (cf. Encyclical Encyclical laudatory, n. 189). Entrepreneurs must not forget that economic activity must serve humanity, “not just for a few, but for everyone, especially the poor”.

Link URL: www.vaticannews.cn

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