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The podcast revolution comes to ‘La Vanguardia’ for all audiences

Podcasts are possibly the most exciting audiovisual format today. They are not new. In 2004, journalist Ben Hammersley from The Guardian coined this term which is the result of the fusion of two words: iPod and broadcasting . The disruption of the iPod, a device that would change our lives forever, brought radio on demand. But what has happened and why have they become so popular now? The quick response is linked to the hatching of the headphones. In a society where noise predominates, headphones isolate us and allow us to connect with ourselves. If there is no doubt that smartphones are the most revolutionary technology living humans have ever seen, headphones have also completely transformed our consumer habits. Stick with a tip, only Apple’s headphone division, with its brand-new Airpods, makes more money than Twitter, Snapchat, and Spotify… combined.

This fever for audio has brought sound journalism back to the forefront. A format that allows us to connect more intimately with the stories. The podcast is listened to in privacy, on walks, car trips or during long work hours. Sound surrounds us and covers us, gives new narrative textures to stories and shortens the distance between the journalist and the audience. It’s the radio, but when you want, how you want, at your own pace.

In our ongoing obsession with innovation and living on the cutting edge of technology, we just launched the first four podcast shows: Stay to eat , Pocket , Dossier negro Y The intersection . They are the first of a whole series of products that The vanguard It will premiere over the next few weeks and in its first days of life it has already exceeded 50,000 views.

‘Stay to eat’

Beyond the stove

Podcast in which the journalist Cristina Jolonch shares a conversation with people from the most varied fields about gastronomy and life. Joan Roca, Carlos Latre or Isabel Coixet talk in a very intimate tone about what they have learned from gastronomy and life. A space where we could understand how Joan Roca felt the day she received a call that changed her life, or listen to Carlos Latre recommending taking ourselves less seriously and being positive to face our day to day.

‘Dossier negro’

The best chronicle of events


All the rivers of passion flow into the black chronicle: desire, greed, jealousy, anger, hatred, love, greed, ambition … There are no stories only of good guys and bad guys. There are stories full of nuances, half-truths, strengths and weaknesses, innocence and cruelty. Enrique Figueredo and Pere Cullell are at the forefront of stories that hook after a few seconds.


The practical economy


Money may not make you happy, but relax, relax. Raquel Quelart brings us every fortnight the best domestic financial advice for day to day. How to get out of the vicious cycle of debt, what rich parents teach their children about money or how to organize your vacations without being scammed are some of the topics covered in a podcast that has already convinced thousands of listeners.

‘The intersection’

The future to come


Presented by Professor Foncillas, in each episode of The intersection the crossroads between digitization, sustainability and innovation are addressed. With rigor, but in an entertaining way, The intersection brings us modern and entertaining stories about the future.

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