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The personal life of Pipi Estrada, collaborator of ‘El Chiringuito’ and ‘Fiesta’

It is legitimate for one to wonder how to introduce someone one already knows. It doesn’t matter the path, the network, the sector or the age: if something can be stated without fear of reply, it is that the entire country knows Pipi Estrada, that man who was able to become the key face of the Mount Rushmore of the heart after having been previously one of the most voracious and effective sports journalists of the eighties in Spain, in addition to his talented ability in the harsh field—of war—of reporting. His public side has drawn on his private side; and the private, from the public. Hence the magnet that implicitly carries his personal plane.

The dance began in Madrid. Although he was originally from Gijón, it was the capital that marked his life: he moved there to make the wish of his father, who worked at the National Steel Company, come true and study industrial engineering. Pipi arrived and the social reality of the country wanted the Madrid Movida to break out: he combined his university studies with working as a DJ in several nightclubs of the renewed traditional nightlife. Then came journalism.

After the death of his father, when he was only 22 years old, his voice sounded on the radio for the first time. Gaspar Rosety, a journalist whom he knew from his days in the Asturian city, gave him a position at Antena 3 Radio during García’s time. The rest is history: eleven years he remained at the station, more than a decade where the journalism was raw and in which he established himself as an elite reporter.

The wave of the heart

Before this stage started rolling, Pipi had found love. He went with Teresa Viera, his first wife, whose nuptials took place in 1978 and with whom he had two children: Francisco and Borja. That story ended a quarter of a century later. It was the year 2003 and his affair with Terelu Campos had previously come to light, with whom he began a relationship after divorcing Viera that lasted until 2006. Then the figure of Pipi, who needed no introduction, became an indispensable part of pink press.

The same year they decided to leave that relationship, they participated in Survivors. Later would come a cascade of formats, such as At your side or Sálvame, which made it consolidate itself in the world of the heart; His professional streak was as frenetic as his sentimental recovery was rapid: in 2006, after breaking up with María Teresa Campos’ daughter, he began dating the pornographic actress Miriam Sánchez. As a result of the relationship that the later ‘love advisor’ of Women and Men and vice versa maintained with whom he would also serve as ‘love advisor’ in the same format, a baby was born who was named after his mother. Miriam Estrada Sánchez is Pipi’s third and last daughter.


Pipi Estrada and Miriam Sánchez

There were so many incursions that his role as a reporter could come to be questioned by critical voices who make zapping their religion. The truth is that there was no way to sink him: during his years as a protagonist of the tabloid press he combined his work as a public figure with the journalistic performance that he continued to show on various stations and, later, in various themed television spaces. sporty. And so until today: only someone like him collaborates at the same time in Fiesta and El Chiringuito de Jugones.

Its most hidden interior

He has never denied the controversial nature of his personality. In a recent interview with The world, Pipi acknowledged having known the night better than the streetlights, but, of course, without this involving the ingestion of alcohol and drugs. That he only had and has one vice and that, before it, he assumes the philosophy of Julio Iglesias: “Let’s say that I have been a true professional who has opted for life and I have gone in favor of nature, because that is sex.” .

As for spirits, again, Gijón has the answer: “The person who has been my reference in life, who did not leave me property or anything material but gave me my values, is my father and alcohol stole it from me.” . My father was an alcoholic and he died an alcoholic with tremendous liver cancer at 57 years old. I was 21 years old and since that day alcohol has been my enemy. Every time I see alcohol, I see my father’s murderer.”

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The Pipi of the seventies, married to the Madrid night, the one of the eighties and nineties, attached to a microphone, and the one of the ‘two thousand’, accused of taking over the covers of the tabloid press, coexist in the same person who, in reality, never It is no longer everything at once. But all this was already known. Of course, it is legitimate for one to wonder how to introduce someone one already knows.

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