On March 4, the “Laika tarp” concert will be held in the “Pearl of Ulbroka” cultural center, in which violinist Konstantīns Paturskis, cellist Pēteris Ozoliņš, bassist Toms Poišs, percussionists Viesturs Samts and Āriks Miezis, as well as guitarist Āris Ozols will play Arvīdas Keiņa original music program, in which the author himself will be at the piano.

In Liene Jakovļeva’s conversation, we learn about the interest of the opera singer, who was educated in Latvia, Estonia and Sweden, in creating music, which began during her studies at the Ventspils Music High School, her liking for Hans Zimmer’s film music and the sound language of Ludovico Einaudi, her focus on instrumental music without the presence of a voice, and her sources of inspiration.