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the oriental ensemble Al-Kindî on the Nuits de Fourvière stage this evening |

Nuits de Fourvière 2012 © Julien Rambaud

The Nuits de Fourvière festival is offering this Monday, June 7, at the Grand Théâtre, an evening which will be opened by the duo composed of Ballaké Sissoko and Vincent Segal before taking a more oriental turn with the performance of the Al-Kindî ensemble and the Whirling Dervishes of Damascus.

For the past week, the evenings on the Fourvière hill have been punctuated by the parade of singers, dancers and musicians on the stage of the Grand Théâtre. This Monday evening, from 6.30 p.m., we will find the Al-Kindî ensemble, which brings together Syrian, Egyptian, Iraqi, Turkish and Tunisian artists who will make the notes of the oriental lute, the oriental zither resonate in the ears of the public. or a reed flute. The musicians will be accompanied by the voice of singer Abdulhamane Modawar and the choirs of Junayd Bourret, Ismaïl Bourret and Zacharie Thibon. The twirling performance of the Whirling Dervishes of Damascus will complete this oriental evening.

At the opening of the evening, the kora player Ballaké Sissoko and the cellist Vincent Ségal will offer a musical performance for four hands.

All the festival programming to find here.

Read also: A very festive opening for the dance biennale in Lyon

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