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The new Report inquiries

The new episode of Report, Monday 11 July at 21.20 on Rai 3, returns to talk about the 5-star Movement. The “Shooting Stars” report by Danilo Procaccianti, with the collaboration of Norma Ferrara, starts with Beppe Grillo, the guarantor of the 5 Star Movement who is investigated, together with the shipowner Vincenzo Onorato, by the Milan prosecutor for trafficking in illicit influences. The crime, committed by those who get promised or give money by exploiting their relations with a public official, was exacerbated by the 5 stars. Onorato, according to the assumptions of the prosecutor, after having paid Grillo through some commercial contracts, would have asked the guarantor of the 5 stars for a series of interventions in favor of Moby spa that Beppe Grillo would then have conveyed to politicians. As part of the same investigation, searches were also carried out in the headquarters of Casaleggio Associati and it was discovered that Davide Casaleggio would also have taken money from Onorato. This is a contract worth 600 thousand euros a year for the drafting of a strategic plan to raise the awareness of stakeholders on the issue of tax benefits.

“Orti di guerra” by Rosamaria Aquino, with the collaboration of Marzia Amico, investigates why it has become more convenient to keep the fields fallow. We are the land of pasta, pizza, cheese and DOP meat. Our made in Italy boasts imitations all over the world, but the war in Ukraine, a country among the most important cereal producers in the world, has highlighted how much we depend on abroad for raw materials: we don’t have enough to produce our excellences. What policies over the years have made us so fragile? And who is speculating on skyrocketing prices? “Report” makes a journey in the agri-food chain among those who grow, trade and sell wheat on international markets to understand how much politics is able to regulate the market and how much the balance between large multinationals, farmers and producers, then affects income of those who produce raw materials and those who shop.

Since January 20, one of the most important theaters in Italy has closed its doors. “Once upon a time the Elysée” by Giulia Presutti reconstructs the history of the Roman theater which is on sale for 24 million euros, on the website of a real estate agency. Owner and artistic director is Luca Barbareschi, actor, producer, but also former politician. Over the years, his Eliseo has been awarded substantial public funding, such as the 8 million euro one included in the 2017 Budget Law, with the motivation of the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the birth of the theater. On closer inspection, however, it turns out that the centenary had already been celebrated, several years earlier.

Report is also on RaiPlay: www.raiplay.it/dirette/rai3

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