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the new cabin of the future “Téléo” cable car finally unveiled

“Innovation is in our DNA”, emphasizes Jean-Luc Moudenc. This Friday, May 28, 2021, at Square Charles de Gaulle, the mayor of Toulouse and Jean-Michel Lattes, president of Tisséo (community and engineering) presented the new cabin of the “Téléo” cable car. The latter will soon connect the Oncopole, Rangueil hospital and Paul Sabatier University, in just ten minutes. Built by thePoma company, it will be started “before the end of the year”, According to the Toulouse Metropolis.

A capacity of 34 people

“Téléo is the longest urban cable car in France”, rejoices Jean-Luc Moudenc. In total, 15 cabins will rotate on a three-kilometer route, at a speed of 20 km / h. The service will be open from 5:15 a.m. to midnight and stops will be served every 1min30. “On the aesthetic level, this cabin is in harmony with what we are developing on the Tisséo network”, continues the mayor of the city. They were designed by Paolo Pininfarina, designer of the Porsche and Maserati brands.

Inside, the maximum capacity is 34 people. It has been designed to fit bicycles and a disabled place is available at the entrance. “We estimate attendance at 8,000 passengers per day”, Specifies Jean-Michel Lattes. It will be possible to adapt the capacity according to the health crisis.

Different objectives

The Toulouse network is currently formed in a star. The objective is to break this system by registering the cable car in a large transverse, to the south from the city. The third metro line, whose launch is scheduled for 2028, represents a second transverse, to the north. Like this transport is more “fun” than traditional networks, the Metropolis hopes that this new device will have an impact on tourism. Pedestrian paths will be set up to observe Toulouse and the Pyrenees at the top of the Pech David hill, “It’s a pretty magical ensemble”, smiles Jean-Michel Lattes.

Progress of work

The work is progressing well. To date, the pylons have been erected, the cables have just been pulled and the first cabins were delivered this week. “We are coming to the end of their hang-up,” explains Jean-Michel Lattes. The system will be started soon for a “dry run”: that is to say that the cable car will run empty for several months to carry out tests and allow the device to be approved. “We hope to achieve the inauguration at the end of the year”, Concludes the president of Tisséo.

This booth will be on display at Square Charles de Gaulle for a few days so that inhabitants can come and discover it. “It is important that Toulouse residents can visualize this new service from which they will benefit before the end of the year,” concludes Jean-Luc Moudenc.

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