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“The most important is the club, by Ricardo”

No surprise at Sion: Ricardo Dionisio Pereira will not be training on Thursday. The Portuguese returns with Keystone-ATS on his first experience as a professional trainer.

Ricardo, tell us why you are no longer the coach of FC Sion.

“It was already in the air since the last meeting I had with the president (red: Christian Constantin). There was nothing extraordinary today. We discussed about the following and I’ve always said that the most important thing is the club, not Ricardo. Sion is going to face a very important period, which will serve as preparation for all next season. So if the president intended to change, I have says we had to do it now to give ourselves time. “

But who made the decision to separate. You or the president?

“It was the president who made this decision. We discussed the situation and I always said that it was necessary to do according to the club. I was at his disposal. But if I had to stay, I wanted to be able to register on the term. We know that in Sion, the period of a coach is always very short. I had this option in my contract to extend by two years, but the president did not want to. But regardless of my contract, the most important thing had to be the club, especially in a situation where you don’t know how the players will respond. “

Do you have offers to sign elsewhere?

“No, I have no offer. Like all coaches, I receive calls to inquire about my situation. From Portugal, but also elsewhere. But there is nothing concrete. From today “Today, I am a free trainer.”

What conclusions do you draw from this first professional experience?

“It was of course a good experience. We arrived with a positive spirit, with good preparation. The team was receptive to our game ideas. But the results were not positive. It needed time and I’m convinced that having it would have worked. And we started to have pressure when the results weren’t following, which is normal in this club. When you want to play more, it’s always more complicated. In football, time does not exist. “

Do you think the team will be able to save themselves with Paolo Tramezzani at their head?

“I have no opinion to give on this. But I know the qualities and skills of the players. I believe in them a lot.”


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