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The mortgage guarantee is losing ground – France News Live

A mortgage is one of the guarantees that a borrower can give to the lender in the context of a movable loan.

It can relate to the good that he wants to acquire or to another of his properties.

In the event of non-repayment of the loan within the agreed time limits, the bank is entitled to seize the hypothecated property and to resell.

An agreement to be signed by the notary

For the notary risers a mortgage, the borrower must sign, before a notary, an Agreement with bank.

Entirely at the expense, this act in the globalization of the muneration of a landowner insisted on formalities and publication fees for the land advertising services.

Its neighboring cost, for example, € 2,090 for a loan of € 150,000, according to the National Agency for Housing Information (Anil).

Not less than 1072 € The only land registration tax of concern.

Mortgage fees fall during a social access loan (PAS), because it is precisely exempt from the land registration tax.

The same is true for the other convention loans born of the zero rate sprê t (PTZ).

Precision: the mortgage is compulsory for a PTZ of more than € 15,000 or a PTZ associated with a PAS if their cumulative amounts exceed € 15,000.

Fees in case of resale

Before the summer in France without fresh market fees, a mortgage is registered with the land registry office for the duration of the movable loan, but the remainder still afterwards (within a limit of 50 years).

It may be waived before its limitation period, in particular in the event of the sale of the property, if the borrower obtains the slip from his lending institution.

Said of “release”, “this amicable agreement must take the form of an authentic deed made by a notary”, indicates the site Service-public.fr by pointing out that the latter is at the expense of the borrower.

It is around € 784 for an initial loan of € 150,000, according to a simulator from the Chambre des notaires de Paris.

A declining guarantee

The accumulation of these fees and the fear of losing one’s roof in the event of an inability to repay out of debt would tend to explain the backbone of many mortgages.

They currently represent less than 40% of loan guarantees. “Until 2000, the mortgage was the most widespread guarantee among the most modest borrowers, according to Crédit Logement’s 2019 annual report. From now on, the attention composition the form of the galantiera more diffused among the borrowers, whether they are borrowers mode tes or borrowing ursaisé. “”

the mortgage guarantee is losing ground

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