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The Minister of Agriculture went to László Bige again

It is unacceptable and intolerable for anyone to profit from Hungarian farmers, as this would put not only the countryside in a difficult situation, but also the whole of Hungary.

He declared, according to MTI Istvan Nagy Minister of Agriculture in the Balkans of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County on Saturday. István Nagy took it up again at a press conference before the local farmers’ forum László Bige, reiterating the story often voiced by the government recently, according to which the owner of Nitrogénművek Vegyipari Zrt. Other issues were presumably discussed at the farmers’ forum, but what was at stake was not clear from MTI’s announcement.

However, the minister again said that Bige’s “cartel” could have caused about 36 billion forints in damage to the Hungarian host society. According to him, the entrepreneur committed not only a market irregularity, but also an unforgivable ethical violation, with which he harmed all Hungarian customers, all in order to gain extra profit.

Jakab István, the president of the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Circles (Magosz), who is also the Fidesz vice-president of the National Assembly, said at the press conference that László Bige said

he was in a good place at the right time, but step back two and don’t build your political career with fertilizer.

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy last joined the large contractor just over a week ago after his company He announced Black Friday for the purchase of fertilizers. The minister even talked about Bige pulling down Hungarian farmers by many billions.

The phases and background of the government attack on Bigé have been summarized earlier:

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