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The man who tried to reach Queen Elizabeth’s coffin is accused

A police spokesman said so.

The man ran from the queue to the coffin where the queen lies in Westminster Hall, but was quickly brought to the ground by the police and arrested.

The 19-year-old was also reported

He is the second person accused of committing a crime while standing in line to say goodbye to Elizabeth. A 19-year-old man is accused, among other things, of assault. He is said to have stripped and pushed the mourners as they waited in line on Wednesday, the BBC reports.

More arrests

Other arrests were made in connection with the commemoration last week. Several people were arrested for disturbing the peace. A man was arrested for harassing Prince Andrew as the Queen’s procession headed for Edinburgh’s Royal Mile. A video shows a 22-year-old man yelling, “Andrew, you’re a sick old man.”

silent protest

Silent protests against the monarchy also took place last week. For example, signs appeared with the text: “Not my king”.

Zarah Sultana, a member of parliament for the Labor political party, openly shared her criticism on Twitter. “No one should be arrested for expressing republican views. It is extraordinary and shocking that this needs to be said.”

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