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The Love for Fast Food: Surinamese’s Choice for Convenience and Health Implications

Very remarkable, as soon as the end of the month is over, the drive-thru queues at the fast food companies in Suriname start to get longer. Do Surinamese love fast food so much that they are prepared to stand in a long queue by car in this very expensive time, to eventually consume expensive fast food? Is there a choice for convenience or something else?

Fast food already indicates that the food is available quickly. In general, people have little time when, for example, they go home from work or go looking for food during the lunch break. Some people indicate that fast food is cheaper for them than going to a restaurant. This makes it attractive to people on a budget. Fast food restaurants also try to attract their customers through “deals”, for example, you have a different deal every day or a promotional amount in certain periods.

For some people, eating fast food can also become a habit. People who have little time to cook for themselves or bring food from home usually choose to eat fast food daily or several times a week. Of course if they can afford it. It is remarkable, despite the rising prices in the shops and the increases in utilities, most people still visit a fast food restaurant more often.

Fast food has effects on human health. Many fast food menus contain foods that are high in calories, saturated fat and sugar. Regular consumption of fast food increases the risk of obesity. Obesity is one of the most common diseases among Surinamese and can lead to other health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

The effect of fast food on health strongly depends on the level of consumption and the choices made when ordering. If fast food is consumed occasionally and in moderation as part of an otherwise healthy diet, the negative effects can be mitigated. It is therefore important to make conscious choices and to strive for a nutritional balance for good health.


2023-09-04 13:22:00
#Surinamese #eat #lot #fast #food

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