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The lives of these 3 zodiac signs turn around in days

The famous Russian astrologer Pavel Globa is ready with his horoscope for the second month of the new year.

According to him, the risk of exacerbation of chronic heart and lung diseases increases in February. People who already have such problems should be more careful about their health and consult a doctor in time.

At the end of the month, the astrologer advises everyone to take a break. A few days will be enough to recover, he says. And he adds that this will only be beneficial.

Globa is adamant that in February the zodiac signs should not expect gifts from Fate. However, three signs will enjoy success both professionally and personally.

Great happiness and money for 3 zodiac signs in February

Here’s what every sign of the Zodiac should prepare for in February, according to the specialist’s forecast:


It’s shaping up to be quite an active month. If a project did not bring you profit before, it is worth returning to it again, trying to do something to promote it. The result will not be late.

Single Aries are likely to find their soul mate. Try to make the first steps, do not be indifferent. Spend the end of the month with your family and give yourself more rest.


In February, it is better not to make new acquaintances. Also, refrain from drastic changes. You should relax and try to maintain your positions in work or business. The moment is not suitable for starting a business with new partners.

In February, the risk of scandals provoked by jealousy increases significantly. There is no need to make your partner suspicious.


This month will be one of the most successful for Gemini. You will be lucky in both work and personal life. You can try your hand at new projects, expand your field of activity.

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The representatives of the creative professions will finally be able to speak. Don’t be afraid to show off your abilities.

In terms of love, everything will be fine.


Professionally, in February, everything will develop smoothly for Cancers. There won’t be any highs, but there won’t be any disappointments either.

The astrologer recommends the representatives of the sign to focus on their personal lives. Singles will have every chance to meet their soulmate. And this will not be a fleeting romance, but a relationship that has every chance of lasting over time.


February will be a month of opportunities and new victories. It is very important not to miss the chances that Fate will give you.

On a personal level, everything will be fine. However, you must not forget to properly allocate your priorities. Sometimes you have to put aside vanity and the desire to stand out from the crowd and spend more time with your loved ones.


In February, you will have to step out of your comfort zone. To achieve your goals, you will need to listen to your inner voice. Intuition is your most reliable friend at this moment, and it is she who will help you overcome difficult situations.

Nightmarish February for 3 zodiac signs, they will be stabbed in the back

February is the time to pay attention to your partner and surprise her with something. If you have the feeling that your relationship has become routine, you need to urgently change everything.


The month will be full of many events and you will definitely not be bored. Many perspectives will open before you.

On a personal level, you will have to have more frank conversations with your partner. Don’t keep the problems quiet, otherwise they will pile up. Every problem has a solution.


In February, you will have every chance to finally put an end to loneliness. People who have lived alone for a long time will be able to find their soulmate. It is important that they recognize the signs of Fate in time and not miss their chance.

At work, Scorpios will do relatively well, but they should be careful with new offers that may come from competitors.


The month will not be very easy. At work, new proposals will rain down, many tempting prospects will open up. It is important not to miss your chance, not to give up.

On a personal level, everything will develop well. Jealousy can turn things sour, so there’s no need to provoke your partner.


A relatively calm month is shaping up. There will be no shocks and no sharp ups and downs. It is not advisable to take on too many tasks and responsibilities.

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In personal life, everything will go well and you will finally be able to understand what you really need. Even if there is separation from loved ones, it will not lead to depression. Capricorns are clearly aware of who they want to see next to them.


You will have to learn restraint and the ability to perceive small problems less sharply. Globa advises to pay more attention to your loved ones and learn to understand them.

It is recommended that you go on vacation together so that you can finally be alone with them. This will only benefit your career. It is worth considering such a short break as a reboot.


In February you have to be very careful. If you had any plans or desire to turn your fresh ideas into reality, it is better to postpone them until next month.

Pavel Globa advises to pay attention to your health and contact a specialist if something worries you. Treatment cannot be delayed.

Single representatives of the sign will have a chance to meet their destiny, but only if they believe in miracles. /jenata.blitz.bg

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