Home » today » Entertainment » Lorie Pester: everyone forgot about it, but the singer was in a relationship with an actor from Gossip Girl

Lorie Pester: everyone forgot about it, but the singer was in a relationship with an actor from Gossip Girl

If Lorie Pester is now the happy mother of a little girl named Nina, she has waited a long time to find love. In the 2000s, for example, she was in a relationship with the inevitable Billy Crawford before the two lovebirds separated.

Lorie Pester and Billy Crawford, an iconic couple

They were a bit like the French Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. In the early 2000s, Lorie Pester she had a love affair with singer and dancer Billy Crawford and, since then, no one has forgotten this leading couple of the time.

Also, we clearly saw this when passing by Billy Crawford on Dancing with the Stars. There have been a lot of press inquiries about his relationship with the “Your Best Friend” singer. But, for Billy Crawford, big winner of Dance with the stars Season 12 is truly over. On several occasions, the now married and father of a child had to mention that he had moved and that his ex-girlfriend Lorie Pester had also. The latter had not appeared on the successful TF1 show.

Did you know that Lorie Pester was dating a Gossip Girl actor?

But while everyone likes to remind Lorie Pester of her romance with Billy Crawford, many forget that she was also in a relationship with an actor from the Gossip Girl series. This is the French-American comedian Roby Schinasi who played Jean-Pierre in the American TV show.

The two actors first met on the set of Murders in Grasse, in 2016. But this love story did not last long since, a year later, in 2017, they separated. Since then, singer and actress Lorie Pester has been the proud mother of a little girl named Nina and has been in a relationship with Yann Dernaucourt.

As for Roby Schinasi, he has also rebuilt his life since then. The 34-year-old actor has been in a relationship with Danish model Maja Simonsen since 2018 and it seems that they are living the perfect love, away from the spotlight and in total discretion.

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