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The importance of speaking in Joaquin Phoenix’s most emotional journey

When the story is well told, it doesn’t take much more than that. The Films It showed us that many of these films that have remained in the memory of viewers over the years is that, on several occasions, they have had something to tell us. They may have let us think, they may have questioned us, they may have forced us to ask ourselves questions and answer them alone or with another person.

Because yes, it is true that perhaps the ultimate goal of the film is entertainment, but we must not forget the humanity that Percy already has in the seventh art. View Go! continued We can end that. new movie with Joaquin Phoenix You don’t need any special effects, or even color to generate a mix of emotions that range from laughter to heartfelt tears to heartwarming tears.

The story follows a life. johnny, a 45-year-old journalist who produces his own podcast. Single and childless, her sister asks her to take care of her only child while she tries to help her husband, who must be admitted to a psychiatric clinic. Skeptical about how she would treat the little boy (they had barely bonded before), she initially doubted that she would be able to care for him. However, he eventually gave in to her sister’s request and flew from New York to Los Angeles.

There she meets Jesse, who lives in a chic but bohemian house filled with music and books. Typical intellectual house, but with the apparent absence of his father. Jesse knows that something serious is happening, but given the silence of his mother, he prefers to resort to other experiences like any child. Thus, the arrival of this almost unknown man becomes a kind of balm for the pain that lurks in his heart.

As the movie progresses, this bond grows more and more until it becomes truly inseparable. Despite their differences, Johnny, in the role of his uncle, little by little manages to make Jesse find a space to express what he feels, to expel the anger caused by not being with his family.

The film is moving in every way and those who have nephews are sure to be the most moved by the story. But, Go! continued It leaves us with a lesson that we can all learn, whatever our role. One of the things the film wants to tell us is about expression, especially in childhood. That a boy or a girl find a space to say what happens to him is essential for him to feel supported and confident in himself and in his place.

Finding those childhood spaces isn’t always easy, but Jesse is lucky to have them. johnny, an apparently lonely man with an inner world more aware than he himself believes. In fact, this adventure that took him and his nephew’s first to Los Angeles, then to New York and later to New Orleans, also helps him reflect on the actions of his own life.

Of course, the link between the two is to support the film, and in this sense we must highlight the performances of Phoenix and norman forestIt is, without a doubt, a revelation for anyone who can nurture himself from a long and successful career in Hollywood. The young actor, just 13 years old, gave an honest and beautiful performance that leaves no trace that he is really British. His American accent is played to perfection without a doubt.

and about Joaquin Phoenix. There is no news that the Oscar-winning actor has already been an icon of cinema in recent years. movies like Walk like, master, gladiator and recently jester, a performance for which he won his first Oscar, demonstrates the diversity of the artist when it comes to giving life to completely different characters. A Phoenix can go from being a sociopath to a regular guy with truly remarkable ease.

But let’s go back to the beginning. Without a good story, the movie would not be the same. Hence it is logical mike millsThe writer and director of this black and white film makes it clear that the story does not even need color to amuse the viewer with what is being told. It also happens that Mills is not new to this type of drama. In 2010, the director surprised the audience beginners, which came after Hal, a man in his sixties who came out as gay after the death of his elderly wife. And do the same with inspiration. 20th century womenwhich focuses on the experiences of women of different ages in the 1970s.

The narrative plots constructed by Mills are simple but complex, as is life itself. Every story we set out to tell has the depth to be seen on the big screen and Go! continued is the example The film is now available in theaters. Argentina Y Mexico.

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