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The Importance of Folic Acid for Women of Childbearing Age: Health Benefits, Risks, and Dosage

Essential nutrients for women of childbearing age

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Legumes are considered one of the representative foods rich in folic acid. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Folic acid, also called vitamin B9, is an essential nutrient for the human body. Folic acid is especially necessary for women who are planning to conceive or are pregnant. Of course, men also need to consume an appropriate amount of folic acid to ensure that their body functions are not overcrowded. The American health and medical media ‘Web MD’ introduced the health benefits and intake of folic acid.

|Health Effects|

Folic acid is important for basic cellular functions in the body. Folic acid helps form RNA and DNA, which are types of nucleic acids that tell cells in the body what to do. In addition, folic acid has several health benefits.

◇Prevention of neural tube defects

First of all, it has the effect of preventing neural tube defects. Neural tube birth defects occur in the fetal brain or spinal cord. The neural tube forms in the embryo and later becomes the baby’s brain, spine and spinal cord.

One of the neural tube defects is anencephaly, a condition in which babies are born without the brain and major parts of the skull. Most babies born with anencephaly do not survive long after birth. Another neural tube defect is spina bifida, a deformity of the spine.

Experts say, “taking folic acid supplements from one month before conception and continuing to take them during pregnancy can reduce the risk of these birth defects.” Because the body does not absorb natural folic acid from food as easily as folic acid supplements, experts recommend taking supplements before and during pregnancy.

Experts advise, “However, taking the United States as an example, about half of pregnancies are unplanned, so women of childbearing age should consume 400 micrograms (μg) of folic acid daily in addition to eating folic acid-containing foods.”

Reduced risk of certain cancers

Getting enough folate in your diet can reduce your risk of several cancers. One study found that folic acid supplementation reduced the risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, the second most common type of skin cancer, by 50%. Folic acid also reduces the risk of developing cancers of the mouth, throat, and certain types of esophageal and pancreatic cancer.

Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

High levels of homocysteine ​​(an amino acid) in the blood increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Folic acid deficiency can increase homocysteine ​​levels. Supplementing folic acid in the diet helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by breaking down excess homocysteine ​​in the blood.

|Health Hazards|

While supplementing with folic acid may reduce the risk of certain cancers, it may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Folic acid supplements may also make pre-existing cancers grow faster. Experts say, “More research is needed to determine the exact relationship between folic acid and cancer.”

|Drugs that reduce the effect|

Folic acid is generally considered safe. However, if you take folic acid supplements together with anticonvulsant drugs, sensory cortex inhibitor barbiturates, immunosuppressant methotrexate, and antimalarial drug pyrimethamine, the effect may be diminished. If you are taking any of these medications, you should check with your doctor before taking folic acid supplements.

|Side Effects|

Folic acid can cause side effects such as △nausea, loss of appetite △bad taste in the mouth △mental confusion △irritability △sleep disturbance. Also, some people may have an allergic reaction to folic acid supplements. Allergic reactions to folic acid include itching, redness, rash, and breathing problems. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor before taking the supplement again.


Folic acid dosage is 400 μg daily for those over 14 years of age. Pregnant women 400-800 μg per day. Children need a smaller intake of folic acid. Folic acid intake for children △ up to 6 months: 65 μg △ 7 to 12 months: 80 μg △ 1 to 3 years: 150 μg △ 4 to 8 years: 200 μg △ 9 to 13 years: 300 μg

|Rich Foods|

Foods that contain a lot of folic acid include cow or pork liver, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, legumes such as broccoli, cabbage, and peas, nuts such as peanuts, whole grains, eggs, and oranges.

2023-08-13 23:04:39

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