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The Importance of Bifidobacteria for Children’s Health: Benefits and Sources


As we know, the body needs probiotics or good bacteria to improve overall health. One of these good bacteria can be obtained from Bifidobacteria.

Bifidobacteria probiotics are good bacteria that have many health benefits, including for children. Usually these probiotic species are found in fermented foods such as yogurt, or can also be obtained from processed milk.

Let’s get to know the important benefits of bifidobacteria for the body and development of children, as reported by Healthline below:

– Improve the Immune System

Research has shown that bifidobacteria and other probiotics can improve immune function in both children and adults. This immune system can prevent children from developing respiratory infections and other diseases.

– Combats Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome can attack children if intestinal health is not maintained. However, with the help of bifidobacteria probiotics, you can help your child maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract, one of which is to make the frequency of bowel movements more regular, and reduce stomach discomfort which is usually a symptom of irritable bowel.

– Reducing Allergy Symptoms

Bifidobacteria are said to have the benefit of reducing allergy symptoms in children. This is because the addition of probiotics can stimulate the formation of a stronger immune system, so that your little one’s health is better maintained and can reduce allergy symptoms in them.

– Prevent diarrhea

Bifidobacteria are also known to prevent diarrhea caused by antibiotics. This is because antibiotics cannot differentiate between good bacteria and bad bacteria, so they sometimes cause diarrhea when consumed, both by Mother and Little One. Be sure to take bifidobacteria at least two hours before or after taking antibiotics.

– Support Mineral Needs

Launching verywellhealth, consumption of food products with bifidobacteria or also known as functional foods can increase the bioavailability or availability of minerals. Especially the minerals the body needs, such as calcium, zinc, and iron which also have many benefits for the growth of your little one.

So, those are 5 important benefits of bifidobacteria for immunity to the digestive tract. Mothers can help children get a number of these benefits, one of which is by consuming Morinaga Platinum Milk.

This formula milk is the first and the only one in Indonesia that has the synergy of GOS Prebiotics and Triple Bifidus Probiotics. The triple bifidus combination includes 3 types of good bacteria, in the form of Bifidobacterium longum BB536, Bifidobacterium breve M-16V, and Bifidobacterium infantis M-63 with the following benefits

Bifidobacterium infantis M-63 is important for the health of your little one’s digestive tract. Can increase the number of good bacteria and reduce the number of bad bacteria in the intestine, so that the absorption of nutrients and the child’s body’s defense becomes more optimal.

Bifidobacterium longum BB536 helps children increase their immune system so they are not susceptible to respiratory tract diseases (ARI), such as coughs and colds and children can be more active in exploring.

Bifidobacterium breve M-16V is a good probiotic for preventing the risk of developing allergies and maintaining digestive tract health. So that the growth and development of children becomes more optimal.

Provide additional nutrition from growth milk which contains Triple Bifidus Probiotics, Mother can help children maintain digestive tract health and support optimal immune system.

Choose Morinaga Chil Kid growth milk for children aged 1-3 years and Morinaga Chil School Platinum growth milk for children aged 3-12 years equipped with the MoriCare+ Triple Bifidus formula to support your little one to become a multi-talented platinum generation. Besides containing Triple Bifidus which is good for maintaining endurance, this milk for children is also higher in AA and DHA, Choline, Iron, Omega 3 & Omega 6 and Phospholipids which can help develop a child’s brain.

In addition, it contains Nucleotides, Lactoferrin, Prebiotics (GOS) and Triple Bifi Probiotics which are able to support and strengthen the child’s immune system. Morinaga Chil Kid and Chil School are also enriched with Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium, high in protein and zero sugar, as well as 15 vitamins and 9 minerals that support the growth and development of a child’s body. Come on, keep your immune system strong and support your little one’s big dreams with Morinaga Chil Kid and Chil School Platinum milk because #time can’t come back.

Watch VideoRecognize the Difference between Probiotics and Prebiotics


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