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The Impact of Immigration Laws on Construction Workers in Central Florida

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of workers that we have. Today one of the few workers that still persists here is an undocumented immigrant who gave me his reaction and I prepared a report with all the details here.>> This already looks almost like a desert, and almost no worker comes here de laconstrucción.reportera: that is how the few construction workers who remain in this central florida urbanization, which we have been visiting for several months, describe the area.>> several people have commented that they are leaving the state because of the new law that came out, that they do not feel I feel comfortable here. Reporter: For many, the fear of deportation is greater than the idea of ​​leaving and starting again from scratch in another unknown place, however, some, although fearful, need to continue working.>> I am afraid because they can kill me, I don’t want to lose my job, with this I support myself, my family and that law affects me a lot. Reporter: The case you just heard is quite a particular one, since most of the people we talked to have legal status and are working in houses that have already been finished, installing irrigation systems. The electricity, but the work of putting up walls and roofs began to come to a standstill when the SB1718 law was enacted.>> A couple of months ago I saw one and on top of all the roofs they were full of people. Reporter: Now those who remained in the state are only I have to wait with the uncertainty of not knowing what the future holds for them. >> Now I don’t know. I don’t know what will happen, whether to leave and go to another state or stay and see what happens. He told me that he thinks that as of July 1st you will no longer see people without documentation and even less workers from the

2023-06-30 00:23:00

#desert #Construction #worker #left #Central #Florida

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